The Art of Food Photography

food photography

food photography

There is no doubt that food photography has become a popular form of art. With so many people taking to social media and creating blogs about their favorite recipes, cooking styles, or restaurants they have visited, it’s hard not to feel inspired by all the creativity. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important things you need to know before getting started with your own food photography journey!

Food photography

food photography

Food photography is an art form that needs a collaborative effort to create beautiful still life images of food. A typical shoot would involve the photographer, stylist and their two assistants who work on props as well. The editing process also involves both digital photo manipulation but no Photoshop filters are used in order not to mislead customers about what they’ll get from these foods when cooked at home.


food photography

The first known photograph to depict … Read the rest

Color Photography: Visual Inspiration and Its History

color photography

Color Photography

Color photography is a fascinating art form that has been around for many decades. As you scroll through this gallery, please keep in mind that color can evoke strong emotions and memories.
Do you remember the first time you ever saw color? Or the last time? A photograph of an old family member taken on their wedding day in color might bring back memories of your own wedding day years later. Color photographs have a way of really bringing out our feelings and helping us to remember moments from our pasts.

The Begining of Color Photography

Color Photography

Photography is an incredible art that has been around since 1839. In the beginning, photographers would stare at their subject for hours to capture a perfect frame of it in black-and-white; however, as technology continued to evolve so did photography and soon became more easy than ever before!

Photography was born out of necessity … Read the rest

Mastering Nude Photography: Best Techniques and Examples

nude photography ideas (233)

[This article contains nude images for the purpose of learning about nude photography. If you are not older than 18, you should leave the webpage. When you continue reading, you agree that you are at least 18 and can view adult content.]

Nude Photography has been a popular genre of photography since the inception of film. The nude form has always been the subject of controversy because the human body is a sensitive subject. Some people and cultures may deny it and don’t want to talk about it.

Nude photographs may contain a person who is in complete nude or semi-nude.

In this current digital era, more and more people share images on social media, we are starting to see an increase in nude photographs being posted publicly online.

Although being nude is still a sensitive topic, we cannot deny that nude photography is still an important genre

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The Newborn Photography Guide: Taking Baby’s First Photos


newborn photography

A Complete Guide to Hospital Birth Photography

In this blog post, we will be discussing the basics of birth photography. In particular, we’ll discuss how to

30+ Creative Photography Ideas for Your Whole Month

What are you looking for in a blog post? Do you want to be inspired by creative photography ideas, or do you

Having a newborn is one of the most amazing events in life, and it’s essential to capture these memories. If you’ve been tasked with taking baby’s first photos, we have just the guide for you! This article will walk you through everything from creating a newborn photography checklist to using different types of poses that will work well for your little one. We also discuss what kind of equipment is best to use and how to set up your home studio space.

What is Newborn Photography?

newborn photography

Newborn photography is such a unique genre of … Read the rest