Best Tips, Techniques, and Ideas for Sand Photography

Sand is a unique subject with great potential, but it can also be difficult to photograph. You need to know how and where to place the sand, how much of it you should use in each shot, and how to light it. Fortunately, there are many ways you can make your sand photos stand out from the rest:

Find sand to take photographs

If you’re trying to create sand photography, the first step is getting some real sand. But what if you don’t have any? Don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to get your hands on some. If you live near a beach or a lake, simply go out and collect some in no time at all! But if that’s not an option for you, then just take a walk around town. You’ll be amazed at how much sand can be found just lying around in plain sight!

Add a little water

There are two ways to make sand wet. The first is to pour water directly onto it, which can create some interesting patterns in the sand. The second is to use a spray bottle, then blow or pat the sand dry when you’re done with your photo shoot.

Be creative

There are many types of sand. Some is light, some dark, some is very fine, some coarse, some is gritty. Think about the texture of the sand, whether it is shiny or matte, and the direction of the wind, which will affect the dunes.

Create patterns in the sand

  • Rake or push the sand with a stick. You can make simple patterns like a spiral, a line, or a circle. Experiment with how far apart you rake to create different sizes of circles and spirals.
  • Use your hands to create designs in the sand. Try making squares, hearts, triangles and arrows by pressing down on the surface of the beach or sandbox with your fingers and thumbs.
  • Create intricate designs by doing cross-hatch marks with sticks or pieces of wood (you don’t have to be too careful about getting them straight).

Choose a colored backdrop

  • Choose a colored backdrop that contrasts with the sand.
  • White sand against a dark background looks elegant, while black sand on a light background is dramatic and sleek.
  • A neutral color like brown or beige will have more of a rustic look to it. This can be especially beautiful in contrast with bright, primary colors of red, yellow, blue and green.
  • Choose an accent color that complements your subject matter if you’re photographing something like flowers or fruit in front of the backdrop.

Sand can be an interesting subject, but it works best with some preparation.

Sand photography is a fun and creative way to take photos. Whether you’re just getting started with sand photography or you’re looking to get more out of your current setup, these tips will help you make the most of this technique.

You don’t need an expensive camera or even much lighting to capture beautiful sand shots. In fact, it’s easier than you might think! All you need is a little patience and some imagination–and maybe a few props like toys or action figures. You can also use your kids for inspiration: let them act out their favorite stories as photographers!


We hope this article has inspired you to try sand photography and that you’ll be able to take some beautiful photos of your own. Now that you know how to get started, all it takes is a little patience and attention to detail.