Product Photography: Ideas and Inspiration for Your Next Shoot

Types of Product Photography

What is Product Photography?

Product photography has a lot of uses. One use is to present products in an attractive way and entice potential buyers into purchasing the product, especially when it’s being sold directly from customer service representatives at your company website or retail store front. Another purpose for images is catalogues that are used both online and offline as advertising materials for specific companies’ brochures, magazine ads, billboards etcetera – all which can be seen anywhere you look today!

If you’re running an eCommerce site, photography is essential. 

People are first engaged by the visual elements of your website, not written copy. Photos can be a key part in deciding conversion rates for websites and ultimately determining whether or not visitors stay on them long enough to complete something they were looking for. When it comes down to creating an engaging image that will turn into customer loyalty, … Read the rest

Rule of Thirds: Photographic Composition Guidelines

Photographs are timeless moments etched in time, and as such they should be framed with the utmost care. Successful photographs often use a technique called “The Rule of Thirds” to ensure that each moment is given equal weighting on both horizontal & vertical axes. The idea behind this rule goes back to Western painting origins where painters divided their canvases into thirds from top-to-bottom and left-to right; placing one subject at any point along these lines would create an aesthetically pleasing composition for viewers who were drawn by your masterpiece! In our article today we will explore how you can apply this simple concept – using guidelines like alignment, balance & proportionality – when taking photos not only so you know what beautiful shots look like

 Rule of thirds is explained

The rule of thirds is a guideline for artists who want to lead their viewers’ eyes around the frame. … Read the rest

Wedding Photography: The Ultimate Guide



wedding photography

What is Wedding Photography?

A wedding photographer took a picture of the bride and groom posed among their family members to capture these memories that will last forever

Wedding photography is a specialty in the world of photography that involves documenting events and activities relating to weddings. A photographer may work with other types of portrait photography, such as pre-wedding engagement sessions or photographing couples before their big day (the photos will be used for wedding invitations). On the official wedding day, photographers try to provide both formal portraits and documentary coverage so they can document every aspect from rings being blessed by clergymen at an outdoor ceremony on a sunny morning to dancing late into the night.

In the early days of photography, many couples would pose for only a single wedding portrait. This is because bulky equipment and lighting problems made it difficult to take pictures … Read the rest

The Complete Guide to Still Life Photography

The Complete Guide to Still Life Photography

Still life photography is a great option for expanding your portfolio. It’s also an excellent way to work on new skills, because you can practice posing and framing objects that are less interesting than people or animals.

I recommend starting out with fruit, vegetables, decorative items from around the house, pottery pieces in varying shapes and sizes- anything goes!

Still life photography can breathe new life into any subject. The still photographer’s job is to make every detail count, from the arrangement of a vase on an old piano to arranging objects in front of ornate wallpaper patterns. By experimenting with different arrangements, lighting and compositions you’ll be able to take your subjects out for a breath of fresh air as well as bring them back home again when they need it most! So if you’re interested in trying this yourself there are … Read the rest