When to Use Different Shutter Speeds

shutter speeds

Shutter speeds can be set by pressing the OK button, or you can use the Quick Control Screen (Q.C.S.) to adjust your shutter speed. We recommend using the Q.C.S. to change your shutter speed. It is best to learn how to use this feature now before you get into photography and you will need to know how to read the information on your camera screen to set the correct speed. The following pages explain how to use the Q.C.S.

First, we will look at what the different shutter speeds mean and then we will look at the different settings you can use.

When you shoot photos it is important to have a clear understanding of the different shutter speeds available to you and to know when you can use them. A fast shutter speed means that the shutter will open for a very short period of time, perhaps just a fraction of a second, so that there is no blur caused by moving objects. This will enable you to shoot without movement in the scene.

Shutter speeds are measured in seconds and are shown by an apostrophe. For example: 1/30th second (1′30″), 1/500th second (1′50″), etc. It is easy to confuse seconds with minutes as we often say “ten minutes” or “a half-hour” when we really mean “10” or “5”. Seconds can be confusing, so to help you understand them, here are some examples:

• 60 seconds = one minute

• 30 seconds = three-tenths of a minute

• 3 seconds = 3/100ths of a second

• 10 seconds = ten seconds = 10

• 45 seconds  = half a minute

• 5 minutes  = five minutes

• 1 hour  = one hour

• 1 day   = one day

• 1 week  = one week

• 1 month  = one month

• 1 year = one year

For example, if you are shooting a concert and want to catch the moment when the band play their first note, then you will need to shoot at a fast shutter speed. If you want to capture the musicians as they pass in front of you, then you will need to use a slower shutter speed. If you take a photo of a car driving down the road at night, you will need to use a fast shutter speed. The faster the shutter speed, the sharper the picture will be and this means that objects that move will not be blurred by the shutter movement.

When you shoot a picture of people in action, such as sports, at slow shutter speeds you will get an interesting blur effect. We often like to use shutter speeds of 1/30th second (1′30″) and 1/125th second (1′25″) to shoot sports events. With a slower shutter speed we get a blurry image. It is quite interesting to see this effect, especially when you are trying to photograph people playing sports. You can also use slow shutter speeds to create beautiful images. For example, you can shoot a flower, such as a dandelion, or a waterfall by moving the camera up and down the path. You will get a lovely movement effect, depending on the speed of the shutter.

Here are some useful shutter speed settings:

• 1/2 sec = 1/2 second (1′2″)

• 1/4 sec = 1/4 second (1′4″)

• 1/8 sec = 1/8 second (1′8″)

• 1/15 sec = 1/15 second (1′15″)

• 1/30 sec = 1/30 second (1′30″)

• 1/50 sec = 1/50 second (1′50″)

• 1/60 sec = 1/60 second (1′60″)

• 1/125 sec = 1/125 second (1′25″)

• 1/250 sec = 1/250 second (1′50″)

• 1/500 sec = 1/500 second (1′50″)

• 1/1000 sec = 1/1000 second (1′00″)

• Bulb = Bulb (B)

• Fade = Fade (F)

• Continuous (C)

• Self-timer (S)

You can also use the Q.C.S. to change your shutter speed. You will need to know how to read the information on the camera screen.

What different shutter speeds are used for?

Preferentially, shutter speeds are used for different purposes. Aperture settings are used to control the amount of light that reaches the camera’s sensor. Shutter speeds are used to control how long the camera captures light.

Shutter speed is an exposure time that is measured in seconds. It determines how much time a camera is allowed to take a picture. The faster a camera can expose a photo, the less motion blur (blur caused by camera shake) will be apparent in the image. When the shutter speed is set too high, a photo may appear overexposed or washed out, because the camera cannot fully capture the scene. The slower the shutter speed, the more motion blur will appear in an image.

When should you change shutter speed?

If you are photographing action or a moving subject, you should change your shutter speed to match the speed at which the subject is moving.

For example, if you’re photographing a car racing down the road at 30 miles per hour, you should set your shutter speed to 1/30th of a second. You can then adjust your exposure compensation and aperture to compensate for any lack of light caused by the car’s passing. You can also use shutter speed to freeze motion by using a slow shutter speed.

When should I use 1/8000 shutter speed?

1/8000 shutter speed is typically used for low light photography.

It’s recommended when you’re shooting in a low light situation and you want to keep the camera as still as possible while capturing some action. However, you can also use 1/8000 shutter speed if you want to blur fast moving objects. If you take a picture of a moving car for example, you might use 1/8000 shutter speed to freeze the motion of the car in the photo.

When would you use 1000 shutter speed?

When you want to freeze movement in a photo.

1000 shutter speed is very good for sports, portraits, etc. It is used for low light photography. The exposure time can be as short as 1/1000th of a second. For example, when you shoot a person walking in the street, you can take a picture of him or her with a long exposure. However, if the camera is too slow to record the motion, it will not be able to record the motion.