How to Use Panning to Photograph Movement

Panning photography


Panning is a technique used to control the movement of light in an image. This can result in a more dynamic and interesting picture.

Panning is a form of movement photography, where you take a series of shots at different shutter speeds, but the camera is moved to compensate for the different movements of the subject (which is moving through the scene). This results in a blurred image of the subject.

You can pan by hand or with a panning rod attached to the camera.

The most common method of panning is with a panning rod, which is a stick mounted to a clamp on the camera and can be moved up and down to move the camera sideways and forwards. Another option is a panning bar, which is a bar attached to a clamp on the camera and can be moved up and down to move the camera sideways and forwards.

Panning Photography Tips

Panning photography

Panning is a photography technique that uses movement to create interesting images. You’ll need a tripod and a camera with manual controls.

To pan, follow the steps below:

1. Find a place where there are lots of things moving – for example, a busy street corner or a beach.

2. Set up your camera on a sturdy tripod and use a remote release. This lets you set your shutter speed and choose how much to move the camera before you press the button.

3. Place your camera on the tripod with the back at 45° angle. Choose a small aperture, say f/8 or f/11. This gives depth to your image.

4. If you want to get some perspective, use a wide-angle lens, such as a 35mm or 50mm.

5. Place your subject near the edge of the frame and zoom in to a tight crop. For example, if you are photographing a group of people, put the person closest to the left side of the frame. This ensures you include the subject in the middle of the image.

6. Press the shutter button to begin capturing your scene. If you have a remote release, this is when you press it. Your shutter speed will determine how long the action continues and you can slow down time and freeze motion with a high shutter speed.

7. When the action stops, change your aperture to a wider setting, such as f/2.8 or f/16.

8. If you want a brighter image, raise your ISO setting (the camera’s light sensitivity). To do this, select AUTO and adjust the sensitivity until you get the correct exposure.

9. Zoom out to a larger area of the scene. Move your camera back to its starting position and repeat the process. The further you move your camera, the more the scene will look like a panoramic photo.

10. Finally, change your shutter speed to 1/50th of a second and move your camera back to its starting position. The slower the shutter speed, the softer your image will appear. This will result in a blurred moving object, for example, a car passing by.