You need a camera, tripod, monopod, lens hood, filters, batteries, memory cards, camera bag, case, external flashes, lens cleaning kit, camera accessories, a computer and software for managing and displaying your pictures, flashbulbs, and camera settings. These are the main items you will need to buy.
You might like to try the following sports photography tips:
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Use high-quality lenses.
If you use an SLR (single lens reflex) camera, your best choice will be a zoom lens of between 24mm and 200mm, depending on your chosen sport. The wider focal length lets you capture more of the action than the shorter focal length, so you will need less magnification. It’s possible to get a good quality SLR with a range of lenses. If you have a point and shoot camera, you can buy a good wide angle lens.
If you use a compact camera, you need a lens of less than 30mm for a full view image. If you are shooting a motor sport event, it’s best to have a camera with a zoom lens as this will enable you to choose a suitable focal length. Zoom lenses are not so expensive as other types of lens and they do provide a greater range. However, they aren’t so portable as fixed focal length lenses.
Take the time to adjust your camera and set your exposure properly.
When photographing fast-moving sports like Formula 1 or motorsport, you need to adjust your camera so you get the best possible picture. Your camera settings include shutter speed, aperture and ISO.
Aperture is the size of the hole in the lens. This is measured in f-stops. A smaller number means a larger hole in the lens. A higher number means a smaller hole.
Shutter speed is the amount of time the shutter remains open. A higher number means a faster shutter speed.
The aperture setting is used to control the depth of field. Aperture controls the focus and the background. A lower number means a larger area of sharp focus and a higher number means a smaller area of sharp focus.
Shutter speed and aperture are combined together to produce a depth of field. The depth of field controls how sharp the image is. Shallow depth of field will allow you to take a picture of the entire scene, including the car’s wheels.
You can get a greater depth of field by using a shallow aperture setting. Using a large aperture (higher number) will increase the depth of field, but it will reduce the amount of light that hits the sensor.
It’s best to keep the shutter speed and aperture setting as high as possible. With a motor racing event, you’ll have only a few seconds before the car is out of frame.
Shoot in RAW format.
Shooting in RAW format enables you to later edit your pictures on your computer and make adjustments. You can then either print or email the image. RAW files are more sensitive than the standard jpeg file. They allow you to capture more light, and therefore are much better for capturing details in low light conditions.
Use your camera’s manual settings.
You can use your camera’s manual settings to manually control exposure and color. You may be able to adjust the shutter speed, aperture, ISO and white balance. This will enable you to obtain the best possible picture. It’s worth checking the camera instructions, which are usually in the instruction booklet.
Use a tripod.
When photographing fast-moving events like Formula 1, you need to keep your camera steady. A tripod will enable you to do this. You can buy tripods at most high street stores. Make sure you buy a lightweight tripod as they are more portable.
If you have a SLR camera, you can use the self timer function.
You can turn the self timer function on in your camera’s menu. This will automatically take a picture when the shutter button is pressed down for the specified time. The self timer function is great for capturing images of your children playing with their toys or of your pet. It will also enable you to take a picture of something that is moving quickly, like a car.
Use a monopod.
A monopod is a small tripod designed to enable you to hold your camera steady. You can use it in place of a tripod. You can buy a monopod from a local store. You may be able to rent a monopod at the event.
If you use a SLR camera, you can attach your camera to a special adapter plate that will fit on the top of the monopod. This will enable you to shoot at a greater height. The adapter plate will cost you around £40 to £50.
Use an external flash.
An external flash will improve your pictures. External flashes come in two types. They are triggered externally or they are wireless and controlled by your camera. External flashes are a little more expensive. Wireless flashes are less expensive and you can easily move the flash from one position to another to ensure you are in the right spot.
External flash bulbs will cost you about £20 to £30 and the flashes themselves are about £25 to £60. It’s best to get a universal flash and not one that needs to be changed. This will save you a lot of money and you can still use your camera settings to determine the right power setting.
Remember to pack your camera.
Make sure you pack your camera with you to the event. A camera without its battery, memory cards and memory cards, flashbulbs, lens cleaning kit, case, battery charger, and memory cards will be useless.