Best Tips to Improve Your Glass Photography

Glass is a challenging subject for photographers. It has interesting textures, curves and reflections. You need to find a balance between working quickly to keep your images sharp and also spend time perfecting your composition. In this article, we will show you some of the techniques that we have used when taking images of glass.

If you are keen to develop your photography skills, this article is for you. In fact, it has been published to help you become a better photographer of everything from buildings and bridges to landscapes and glassware. We’ve got some great tips on improving your glass photography that you can use today.

Glass Photography

Get started

There’s something really magical about looking through glass at the world outside.

I love how light plays on the glass as you move around a room, or the reflections change from surface to surface as you move your camera position. I also love the way different objects reflect differently from one surface to another and the way glass changes colour depending on where it is.

When you have an idea for a shot but aren’t sure what lens to use, try using a wide-angle lens first. This will help you capture the surroundings, which can be difficult when photographing glass.

You can use a zoom lens if you want to make a point of seeing a wider view, but in this case you will have to compose the shot yourself, since the viewfinder won’t show anything outside the frame.

For a long lens, use something like a 300mm focal length, which will allow you to get closer to the object and take the whole picture from a low viewpoint.

Use a flash when taking a picture with a glass surface. Glass reflects more light than a white surface and so a light source will be required to lighten up the photograph.

Glass is also great at reflecting colours. A rainbow can be seen by shooting a light source through glass onto a white background.

If you shoot a rainbow, make sure the background is not completely white.

When you are photographing objects in front of glass, you need to use a low viewpoint to make sure that the objects don’t block the light and reflect the light back onto themselves, which will make them look unnatural and ugly.

To achieve this, use a wide-angle lens and tilt the camera downwards. This will help you avoid the reflection.

Don’t try to shoot the same scene twice. The first time you shoot it, it might turn out really well. However, you might be better off leaving it as it is and trying something else next time.

Use the right light

The best light for photographing glass is natural light. Glass reflects light very well, so by using it in your photographs, you can create very dramatic effects. Natural light provides a nice soft glow on glass, which adds an extra dimension to your work. When you are using artificial light to photograph glass, try to make it as even as possible. This will help soften the highlights and shadows.

Choose the right angle

It’s important to work with the most flattering angle to your subject. To do this, look at the glass from the side to find the angle that best catches its shape and the reflections. Try to avoid the middle as this is often a reflection area, so you want to avoid having the glass looking too flat. You can also use the light source to add drama to your image. If you are using a flash, place it as far away from the subject as you can, to avoid harsh shadows and strong highlights.

Think about the composition

You should aim to create an interesting composition for your photos. One of the main features of glass is its shape. Use this to your advantage by placing your subject in a way that emphasises its curves. This will help make your image more dramatic and visually interesting. You can also use the reflections in glass to create a dynamic element in your images. To do this, consider working with the sun or other light sources that have a reflection area, like a reflective window. You can then use the reflection to your advantage by placing your subject in the middle or at the edge of the reflection area.

Look for patterns

There are many different textures and patterns on glass. The more you find, the better you will understand what you are photographing and how you can use them to create strong images. Look for interesting shapes, lines and patterns. Try to use this to your advantage, either by cropping the image so it contains only a part of the pattern or by making a small change in your composition to bring out the pattern.

Be aware of reflections

Reflections can be a tricky element to photograph. When you are using natural light to take your images, they can give your glass some depth. However, reflections can be hard to control. It’s best to avoid photographing them and instead use them as part of your composition. For example, if you have a reflection on the edge of the glass and you want to highlight the subject at the centre, place it in the reflection area. This will make it look more dramatic. You can also use reflections in a negative way, by using them to hide parts of the subject or create a more striking background.

Don’t overthink the shadows

When you are working with glass, one of the most important things to consider is the shadows. Shadows are made by the light source and cast onto the subject. The closer the light source is to your subject, the stronger the shadow will be. If you are using artificial light to take your image, this will have an even stronger effect, so choose a light source that is far away from your subject and is as even as possible. Shadows can add drama to your image. However, they also can be difficult to photograph. The best way to avoid having them too strong is to make sure the subject is in the shadows as well.ake your subject pop

Finally, don’t forget about colour. When you are working with glass, you should aim to make your subject stand out in the image. This is done by using different colours or shades of grey. You can use colour to highlight areas of interest or to make your subject stand out from the background. However, if you are using a darker coloured object, like a blue bottle for example, it will become more obvious. To help your subject stand out, place it in a bright area of the image and cover it with a lighter colour that will reduce its intensity.

Know when to stop

Remember that even the best photographs can look overworked. It’s easy to keep adding extra elements and details to make the image more interesting. Try to balance your work by using a variety of techniques to make your images more interesting. If you get stuck, you can always make small changes to your composition.

Other things to consider

Glass is a very special medium. It has a distinctive look, yet its transparency is so different from other materials that it can produce some very unusual effects. And, as well as being a great material to work with, glass is relatively cheap.

A word of caution – although glass can be used to create some striking images, it can also be tricky. You need to be prepared for some problems, but, with practice and a little perseverance, you can learn to master the basics and get the most out of your experience.

Glass needs light.

You need to make sure that the surface you are working on has been properly cleaned before you start. Even the smallest dust particles will show up in your photographs. Make sure you’ve got clean hands too, because if you smudge your glass when you’re touching it, it can spoil your prints.

Light comes from the sun, so the best time to take photographs is when the sun is high in the sky. When you take pictures indoors, you may have to use artificial light. This may come from an overhead lamp, from a window or from a torch.

How much light you need depends on the subject you are photographing. If you want to create a picture of a beautiful sunset, then a bright room will be ideal. But if you are taking pictures of flowers, you will need much less light and probably a darkroom. So, try to find out what kind of photography you want to do and work out where and when you are going to do it.

When you want to photograph something that needs strong lighting, you will have to use an external source of light. A good example is a model. You can place them in the sunlight or you can set up a tripod with a light-shaping reflector to help create the effect you want. You can also turn down the lights in the room and use a flashgun. You may have to adjust the power so that the flash doesn’t blow out your subject too much. When you shoot a portrait using the flash, the background will be brightly lit, but your subject will be very dark. This creates a mysterious atmosphere, which you can accentuate by playing around with different camera settings.

Lighting problems are usually more obvious when you are working with glass, because the effect of light is more subtle. But if you look carefully at a picture, you might see something that looks like a black patch on the surface of the glass. If you zoom into the picture and magnify it, you will notice that the black mark is actually a collection of tiny glass particles stuck to the surface. When you use the sun to light your pictures, these particles will appear as little pinpricks of light. These spots can make your images look messy. You can remove them by cleaning your glass with an old toothbrush or cotton bud.

When you are shooting in bright sunlight, you may also have to correct for lens flare. This happens when you point your camera up towards the sun. The light then reflects off your lens and is thrown onto the surface of your film. This causes the subject to be over-exposed and produces a very bright image. To reduce this problem, cover the front of your camera lens with a piece of dark cloth.

If you want to take some photographs of your children or pets, you will need to find the right kind of lighting. In general, you should avoid using flash. Flash can look too harsh for people, so it’s best to use it sparingly. Also, it makes it harder to create interesting shadows and highlights on the surface of the glass.

Light is hard to control.

Glass is translucent. That means that light passes through it and appears in the picture as a background effect. You need to take this into account when you are planning what to shoot. If you are going to photograph a table with lots of different objects on it, you will have to think about where the light is coming from.

Another problem that you might encounter is that the light source can be moving. For example, if you want to take pictures of a flower in the sunlight, you may have to position yourself so that the sun is directly overhead. If you move a few feet away, the sun may be lower in the sky. In this case, you can try to find another angle, which will give you more interesting results.

Don’t use a flashgun unless it’s absolutely essential to get the right lighting. When you are taking pictures of people, you will usually be better off using the ambient light. This is because flashbulbs produce a very harsh light that doesn’t create much detail.

If you need to use a flashgun, make sure that you have the right kind for your camera. Most cameras don’t have a built-in flash, so you will need an external flashgun. These are sold separately and usually come with batteries. Try to find one that produces a fairly even light.

If you don’t have any experience with flashguns, then try to get someone who does to show you how to use them. Some models will allow you to adjust the power, so that it is less overpowering. And, if you can take some practice pictures, you should be able to learn to control it.


The most important thing you can do to improve your glass photography is to practice. The more you practice, the better you get. And the better you get, the more you can achieve.

This is why it’s so important to find a mentor who you can work with regularly. They can help you out with equipment, techniques, and even business development.

Another thing you can do is to get a better camera. The more you have, the better you’ll be able to capture that moment.

And finally, don’t forget about lighting. Light can either make or break your photos. Spend time on the front end of your photography to create the perfect light before taking your shot.