What is Spot Metering? And how can you use it for better photos?

spot metering

Spot Metering is a feature in many cameras that enables the photographer to set an area of the frame to be completely or partially exposed for each shot. This can be useful to help avoid over- or underexposing a shot and can also help keep shutter speed constant throughout the whole image.

Many cameras have this option but don’t use it as much as they could. And even if you have a camera that does allow you to spot meter, you might not use it as much as you should. It can be hard to work out exactly how to use Spot Metering, especially when there are so many things that you need to consider before taking the photo.

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First, you need to know what your camera is capable of. Most cameras have the ability to expose for one of nine areas of the frame, from the center to the edge of the image, in increments of 1/3 EV steps (or the equivalent of a stop). For example, a camera with Spot Metering can set the area to be exposed by +1/3, +2/3 and +4/3 stops. Some cameras even allow you to meter a wider range, e.g. a 3-stop area or 5-stop area, and still let you choose which area of the frame you want to spot meter. It is possible to use a camera with Spot Metering in a way that it is almost always overexposed, or underexposed, throughout the whole image – this is usually not what you want!

To help you get the best from Spot Metering, try setting it to spot meter for your subject only. Then, to get the best exposure, move your camera slightly from the position where you first set Spot Metering. You can see the exact amount your camera moves your focus point by using your Live View and peeking through your viewfinder or looking at your rear screen on most cameras. If you don’t have a live view option you can check by pressing the shutter button halfway and looking at the rear screen. The red circle should move in the same direction as the focus point does.

Second, it’s important to know how to use the metering mode. Your camera will show the current area of the frame it is spot metering in red, and also show whether it is spot metering in the center of the frame or just one of the edges, like your left or right hand side (or both, if your camera has them). There is another section of the screen that shows the level of light or dark areas in the scene. If there are too many bright areas, then it might be overexposing. If there are many dark areas, then it might be underexposing.

With a simple scene, such as a white wall, it should be fairly easy to figure out the best metering position. However, if you’re shooting a busy scene where there are lots of bright areas or a very dark scene where there is little detail to meter against, it’s often tricky to figure out where the best spot is for spot metering. It can also take some practice to get used to spot metering in different areas of the frame.

There are a number of things to consider:

If the subject is very close to the edge of the frame (i.e. it will fit in the frame only with an area of Spot Metering) then it will be overexposed.

If the subject is very close to the center, then it will be underexposed.

If the subject is in the center and you want it to be equally exposed throughout the image, then it will be underexposed on the left and right edges and overexposed in the center.

The subject is not centered but you want the exposure to be the same throughout the whole frame, then it will be under or overexposed throughout the frame.

When you’re shooting a group of people, you might want to meter for each individual person to ensure that everyone is properly exposed, but this can become too complicated and difficult to set up. Instead, you could meter for the average exposure for the group, or you could spot meter for two different areas within the frame, one for the brighter people and one for the darker people. This way, even if some people appear overexposed, the dark areas are more correctly exposed and all of the people are evenly exposed. If you are having trouble working out how to meter in this way, or spot meter for different areas, then you can ask for help on our Facebook page!

Finally, there are a few camera settings that you might want to consider before taking the photo.

Shutter speed is one of the most important things to consider when working with Spot Metering. When you use Spot Metering, you are telling your camera that you want to expose for the same amount of light throughout the whole frame.

How Do You Use Spot Metering?

1.Spot metering means using a particular brand of light meter to measure a specific area of an image. The meter usually takes one reading from a center point and then from the edges of the image. It then calculates the exposure based on the light levels of that area. This helps you to correct any underexposure or overexposure in the rest of the image.

Using spot metering is useful if you want to have a more accurate overall exposure of a photograph and not rely on the camera’s exposure settings.

How do you use spot metering?

There are two ways you can use spot metering:


2. To determine which area of the image needs to be exposed more


3. To measure the light levels of an area, so that you can correct any underexposure or overexposure elsewhere in the image

When using the first method, you must use a spot meter that allows you to choose a small area of an image. If you use a meter that measures the whole image, it will not be able to help you with areas that have uneven exposure.

The best spot meters to use for determining whether an area needs more exposure or less exposure are those with two exposure areas, one for normal exposure and one for under exposure. Some meters have only one exposure area and you cannot adjust them to suit your needs.

If you use a spot meter that has just one exposure area, it will always give an overall exposure value of 100, regardless of how much light you add to or remove from an image. This is because a meter with only one exposure area is unable to tell you which part of the image is underexposed or overexposed.

How do you set up a spot meter?

You need to make sure that the meter is set correctly, so that it can tell you if a particular area needs more light or less light.

The first thing to do is to position the spot meter at the center of the frame. To set up the spot meter so that it measures a small area, press the button on the side of the spot meter and turn the meter to the position that you want. You may have to rotate the dial by turning the ring at the side. If you find it hard to judge the exact size of the area you want to measure, there are meters with a marked circle that you can use to check the size of the area you want to measure.

The meter should be set to a central reading and one from each side of the image. The reading from the left edge of the image must be the same as the reading from the right edge. The meter should not measure from a corner or edge that has no subject in it.

If you don’t know how to read your meter, take your camera to a professional who will be able to show you.

To check your exposure, look through the viewfinder to see if there is any difference between the readings from the center and the edges. If there is, then you can adjust the exposure by turning the shutter speed dial until the two readings match.

How do you make sure you have the correct amount of light in an image?

To make sure that you have the correct amount of light in an image, look at the histogram in the viewfinder. The histogram tells you how much light there is in a particular area. You should see a line that runs across the graph, showing you where the darkest and lightest areas of the image are.

If there is not enough light in one area, then you can add more light by increasing the exposure. To do this, increase the shutter speed and use a slower setting on the flash or use a stronger flash in the camera’s pop-up flash mode. If you have not enough light in an area, you can remove some light by decreasing the exposure.

You can also take the shot again, if you have used spot metering to determine that the lighting is too bright in some parts of the image. This will allow you to correct any underexposure elsewhere in the image.

Why Should You Use Spot Metering?

Spot metering is one of the most common photo modes. It allows you to set your camera to expose for a subject that is just in the center of the frame, regardless of how much or little light is present.

The exposure range depends on the sensitivity of your lens and the aperture setting. In general, a smaller aperture allows more light into the camera and can be used when the light available is not very strong. The downside to this is that it reduces the depth of field which means your subject is going to be sharp from one side of the frame to the other. The good news is that it also means the background is going to be blurred. A larger aperture will allow less light into the camera and will result in more of a blurrier background. This can mean that the subject may appear sharper but the background may be darker.

Metering is basically a way of calculating how much light there is in a given scene. The camera uses an array of sensors called a metering sensor that measures the amount of light in the scene. It then compares this with a ‘metering’ range, which is the range of light that the camera can handle and will calculate an exposure accordingly. Most cameras will have a manual or automatic metering setting.

If you are taking photos indoors or outside at night, spot metering may give you better results. You may also find it useful when photographing in low light. In these situations, using a smaller aperture may mean that the entire picture will be overexposed so spot metering allows you to adjust your exposure by positioning the spot over the part of the frame you want to be well lit.

What Are Metering Modes?

Metering modes are ways of measuring how often you are looking at an image on your mobile phone. These are usually done with apps on your phone. For instance, if you have a new phone, you might be asked to use the photo mode rather than the selfie mode. Here’s what you need to know about them.

Photo Mode

The photo mode is the default setting that most smartphones come with. It is used when taking pictures. You will find this setting on most smartphones. You can also download apps, called “photo editors,” which will allow you to edit and improve the photos you take. This is often referred to as “post-processing.” The main advantage of using the photo mode is that you have more control over the light and background, since you are not using a self-timer or auto-focus camera. You may also want to use this mode if you are taking pictures for a class project or school assignment.

Selfie Mode

The selfie mode is the second most popular app for taking selfies. It’s also known as “self-timer” mode. This mode allows you to take a picture of yourself without having to move your phone or press the shutter button. The app will set the timer for you and then take the picture. Some smartphones offer a variety of options, so you can choose whether you want your eyes to be closed, which hand is holding the phone, which part of your body you are looking at, etc. You might prefer the selfie mode to the photo mode if you have a phone with a good camera and if you don’t have many classes where you need to take lots of pictures.

Video Mode

This is usually the third mode offered by most smartphones. This mode lets you take videos of up to 15 seconds in length. It can be used for recording events that you want to remember, like a wedding or birthday party. Some apps are designed for recording videos on your phone, like Vine.

If you are using Vine, you can use this app to make short (6-second) videos. These can be posted to Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. You can also send them as direct messages. You can also use video apps like Instagram, Snapchat, etc. If you’re posting to Facebook, make sure to include the hashtag #SelfieMode so that your friends can find your posts!

Is spot metering best for portraits?

The most effective way to take a portrait is to focus your attention entirely on your subject. When we want to take a picture of someone we love, we look at them with our heart rather than our head. And we want to capture the essence of who they are, not just their pose.

The most common mistake photographers make when they are shooting portraits is to use the mirror as a way of directing the light. This is a very artificial and unnatural way of looking at someone, and it can be very distracting. If you do this you will have no idea what your subject is thinking or feeling and will lose their true identity.

The best advice is to forget about the mirror. Let your subject look into the camera lens directly and only focus on them. Make sure you are using the right settings for the time of day and for the situation. For example, if it’s early morning and your subject is dressed for going out, you should use a small aperture such as f/2.8, which means that all the light will fall onto the sensor or film. In the afternoon the sun may be lower in the sky, so you may need a large aperture, say f/11 or f/

What is the difference between spot metering and evaluative metering?

Spot metering: You place the meter at the scene of the crime and it will only measure the incident. The meter is placed close to the action to ensure you can accurately record the details.

Evaluative metering: You place the meter at a distance from the event. The meter measures the energy that is present, but not the exact incident.


Spot metering allows you to focus on the exact part of the frame you want to capture, while maintaining a balance of exposure between the foreground and background.

Spot metering is the process of capturing a photo with a specific portion of your camera lens exposed to light. This helps you control the exposure on specific parts of your photos.

The main advantage of spot metering is that you can create a picture with an extremely wide dynamic range. The main disadvantage is that you are limited to how much light you can capture.

When you are shooting with spot metering enabled, your camera will display a small dot in the center of your viewfinder. You can adjust the size of this dot by using the Exposure Compensation dial on your camera.

To use spot metering, you’ll want to use the same settings you would for a photo with the entire frame exposed, but with a smaller aperture.

The most common time to use spot metering is when you are taking photographs of subjects that are in bright sunlight.