The Best Way to Share Photos with Clients

Business Photography

Share Photos with Clients

Share your Portfolio

You can use social media sites to share photos with clients but it is best to use your own website or blog where you can control what you say and how you say it. Using your site is also a good way to communicate with potential clients and can be the first step in building a relationship with them. Sharing your work online enables you to connect and build a reputation as a professional photographer, which will enable you to start developing your portfolio. If you are working in a particular field such as weddings, then you might want to use that as your primary area of focus. You could try a Facebook page or Twitter account if you are an established photographer who works mostly on location.

In the digital age, photos can easily end up online and you may find yourself sharing your images without … Read the rest

Tips for Perfect Prom Photography

prom photography

Prom photography

Prom photography is a time of great expectation for the young woman and her family and friends. The whole experience is about capturing a memory of a fun-filled evening where everyone is dressed up, looking glamorous, and enjoying themselves. The photos capture an important part of their lives as well as their sense of fun. It’s also a wonderful way for your son or daughter to get to know his or her future bride or husband.

How to do a great Prom

Prom photography

It is one of the most important days in a young person’s life, the day they choose to dress up, put on their makeup and look pretty for their dates and their friends. It is also a time when teens should learn how to be the best prom photographer that they can be, so that they can capture the special moments on camera, and share those moments with … Read the rest

How to Use Color Contrast Orange and Blue for Better Photography

sunset photography

Color is so important for photographs because it can convey mood, story, and emotion.

When taking pictures, keep this idea of using color contrast in mind. If you’re shooting people, try the orange-yellow-red combination on your subjects. If it’s a landscape, place the blue at the top, with the red lower down.

The Complete Guide to Composition in Photography
Most photography enthusiasts don’t realize that photography composition is a major factor in the success of
Rule of Thirds: Photographic Composition Guidelines
Photographs are timeless moments etched in time, and as such they should be framed with the utmost care.

orange and blue

1. What is Color Contrast?

Color contrast is the difference between colors that exist in an image. This is achieved by varying the color values (the brightness and saturation) of different parts of the image.


2. When is Color Contrast Used?

orange and blue

Color contrast is used for two reasons. The first … Read the rest

21 Tips for Setting Your Wedding Photography Prices


Wedding Photography Price

Wedding Photography: The Ultimate Guide
  What is Wedding Photography? A wedding photographer took a picture of the bride and groom posed

Have you ever set your wedding photography prices?

If you are asking for a set price and your client is happy with that then you can get away with charging them less and you may even get more work. It can be difficult to tell what the market will bear but some things to consider are:-

A) If you don’t have any clients who have used you before then you need to know roughly how much you think you will be able to charge and the more you charge the less likely it is that you’ll get the work you want to do.

B) You need to think about how much of the work you actually do yourself vs how much you expect your clients to do and what … Read the rest