Dutch Angle Photography: How To Shoot

Dutch angle photography is a technique that can be used to create some very interesting and unique images. The Dutch Angle was named after the Netherlands, where it gained popularity during World War II because of its ability to show how horrifying war really is. It’s also been called “dutching” or “compressing.” This post will teach you all about this technique so you can use it in your own photography!

What Is the Dutch Angle?

The Dutch angle is a type of camera angle that provides an unusual viewing perspective, as if the observer is ducking down to look up. It can also be used as a way to create some interest or tension in the photo.

How Is Dutch Angle Photography Used?

Dutch angle photography is typically used to give a strange, or tilted feel to the photograph. It aims for that feeling of viewing the scene from an unexpected perspective. It can be used to heighten the sense of unease or tension in a scene. It is often found in action shots, and horror movies where it aims for that feeling of being off balance.

To squeeze more into your frame, use a Dutch camera angle.

One of the most popular and common camera angles in photography is called a Dutch angle. It captures an interesting and distinctive angle by tilting the camera to one side, typically at about a 45-degree angle. This gives your photo a sense of motion and provides more of a show than just looking into the frame. A Dutch angle can be used to squeeze more into your frame or it can be used just for aesthetics.

A Dutch camera angle is most commonly used in portraits where they want to emphasize the person’s face, rather than their whole body. Utilizing this type of shot will help draw attention and focus on them and their features without any distractions from the background or other people in the photo. You might also use this angle to highlight or emphasize an object in your photo.

Shooting with a Dutch camera angle is fairly easy and only requires one simple step: tilt the camera on its side. If you do not have a tripod, place it against something sturdy like a wall so that you can use two hands for this shot without having to worry about holding your entire body up at once. A loose grip will cause your photos to end up blurry since most cameras will require longer shutter speeds when they are tilted more than 45 degrees (or else everything looks very crooked).

A good starting point is aiming for somewhere between 30-45 degrees but play around until you find what works best with the subject of your photograph. Some subjects work better if they are level with the frame, while others look better with a more obvious tilt. Experiment until you find what looks best and then utilize this technique to add an interesting element to your photography that is sure to grab people’s attention!

You might also use this angle to highlight or emphasize an object in your photo. For example, if you are shooting food at a restaurant, using Dutch camera angles can help bring focus on dishes by creating very colorful shots that stand out against their backgrounds. Shoot from both directly above as well as straight into the plate so that you capture different colors and shapes of each dish without having them blend together too much. This works especially well for artistic/vibrant foods like sushi rolls or salads with lots of different colors.

To offer a different perspective, utilize an oblique angle shot.

Use an oblique angle shot to give people a unique perspective on the world. They are especially good at adding a sense of drama to the scene.

They can also be used as an alternative or contrast to traditional straight-on angles. Just remember, it’s all about what you want your photo to say and how best convey that message! Use these tips below on how to shoot dutch angle photography:

Use natural light whenever possible for better results – try shooting during golden hour when there is soft natural sunlight streaming through locations. If shooting indoors, look out for lamps with interesting shapes and patterns which you can bounce off walls and other surfaces in order create a more complex image. Avoid using flash lighting; instead use ambient lighting where possible by opening up windows/doors if inside spaces such as rooms or halls etc., and avoid using flash photography.

Shooting low and wide is a good way to create dynamism – this will allow you to see more of your subject, which can be particularly useful if shooting very tall subjects such as skyscrapers or trees. It’s best to shoot from an elevated position so that the camera angle shows height and gives the photo depth/dimensionality by showing foreground objects such as plants etc., framing it against blue sky for example. If you’re shooting inside spaces instead of outside either crouch down low or lie on the floor; try moving around until you find a unique perspective where there isn’t any other people walking through in front (therefore ruining your shot!).

Tips: Use dutch angles sparingly – like any photography trick, it can be overused or used inappropriately. It’s all about what you want your photo to say and how best convey that message!

Dutch Angle Photography Ideas

dutch angle photography ideas 11 dutch angle photography ideas 10 dutch angle photography ideas 9 dutch angle photography ideas 8 dutch angle photography ideas 7 dutch angle photography ideas 6 dutch angle photography ideas 5 dutch angle photography ideas 4 dutch angle photography ideas 3 dutch angle photography ideas 2 dutch angle photography ideas 1 dutch angle photography ideas 18dutch angle photography ideas 17 dutch angle photography ideas 16 dutch angle photography ideas 15 dutch angle photography ideas 14 dutch angle photography ideas 13 dutch angle photography ideas 12


The Dutch Angle can be a great way to spice up your photography. It is a fun and interesting technique that has been used in many different types of media from feature films, television, music videos to documentaries. For the examples above I have mainly focused on how you would use this camera angle for certain shots or scenes but there are so many more ways it could work well with another kind of shot as well! In conclusion, The Dutch Angle might not always be the right choice but if you want something new and dynamic then try adding some dutch angles into one of your photos next time!

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