How To Resize Watermark, Text, and Logo with Watermarkup

When using Watermarkup, currently we are creating a font-size picker, but you can still resize the watermark, text, and logo easily with a few simple steps.

Step 1: First you need to click on the watermark, text, or logo you want to edit and resize.

small squares around the watermark.
small squares around the watermark.

Step 2: You will see that there are several small squares around the watermark. You move your computer mouse into the corners or the small squares. Your mouse will change its symbol. And now you can use your mouse to change the size by holding left click and moving the pointer.

logo's small squares
logo’s small squares
use these squares to resize
use these squares to resize


If you cannot find the small squares, you can use our zoom feature to zoom your photos in. And after that, you can find the small squares.
zoom photos
If you cannot find the small squares to resize your watermark, another option is that you can resize your image logo first, and after that you can upload it to Watermarkup.