What is Rolling Shutter Effect and How to Avoid It

If you’re wondering what rolling shutter effect is, you’re not alone. This annoying phenomenon is more common than you’d think.

Rolling shutter is a camera effect that causes images to distort when they’re taken at high speeds or while moving. It’s especially common in video, but it can also happen to stills if the camera isn’t fast enough.

The image below shows how this looks in real life. You can see how it distorts the image of the car and makes it look like it’s being stretched out as it moves across the frame of the image:

What Is Rolling Shutter Effect?

Rolling shutter effect is a type of distortion that happens when a camera takes a photo too fast or when objects are moving across its field of view at a high speed. In simple terms, this means that objects in front of or behind your subject will appear distorted because they aren’t captured by all of your camera’s “chips” at exactly the same time.

When a camera captures a moving object it can produce an unnatural image due to a shutter speed that is too slow to catch fast moving objects. The camera has to remain open for a certain length of time to capture the image. The resulting photograph looks blurred and will not show any detail.

This creates a jerky effect and can ruin an otherwise perfect shot.

There are three main causes of rolling shutter effect, which are caused by different reasons.

1) Lens problem – When there is a problem with the lens, the camera takes two pictures with the shutter open and then the picture is merged together to create one picture. This can be caused by a lens cap or if the camera falls.

2) Camera shaking – When the camera shakes the shutter speed is not fast enough to freeze the movement of the subject. This results in the picture being blurry.

3) Too much light – The shutter speed is not fast enough to stop the flash of light, so it makes the picture blurry.

How Rolling Shutter Effect Works

When you press the shutter button on your DSLR, the image sensor begins recording data as soon as light hits it. However, because of how long it takes for light to reach every part of the sensor (a few microseconds), not all areas are exposed simultaneously. This results in distortion that occurs along a vertical axis — think of what happens when you spin around on a merry-go-round and see objects moving vertically faster than they do horizontally.

Rolling shutter effect is most noticeable in video recordings and when shooting with fast shutter speeds, but if you’re using slow shutter speeds it may not be an issue at all.

The rolling shutter effect causes vertical lines in an image to appear distorted, as if the camera were being shaken or vibrated. The appearance of these distortions depends on how quickly the camera was capturing images and how long it takes for each frame to be captured.

Rolling shutter effect can vary from one image to another depending on how many frames per second (fps) your camera is capturing images at. For example, if your camera captures 30 fps but only uses every other frame (15 fps), then it can produce rolling shutter effects in your image. You might notice this type of distortion in fast-moving objects like cars driving down the road or people running across a room.

How to Avoid Rolling Shutter Effect:

The problem can be avoided if the shutter speed of the camera is set properly. Slow shutter speeds will result in blurry images but fast shutter speeds will show detailed subjects.

Rolling shutter effect occurs when a camera takes a picture at a very slow shutter speed, usually around 1/30 second or slower. A very fast shutter speed will allow the shutter to close between each picture, preventing the blurring effect.

While the rolling shutter effect is the most common problem photographers face, there are other causes of the blurring effect. These include poor lens quality, light pollution, extreme camera motion and improper storage conditions.

Some cameras are equipped with an autofocus system to compensate for blurring. When this is the case, you need to make sure that the AF point is focused on the subject.

You can avoid the rolling shutter effect by using a tripod or monopod to steady the camera.