What’s The Best Time to Take Natural Light Photos Outside?

photography lights

The best time to take natural light photos outside


The best time to take natural light photos outside is during the day. If you’re planning to go out with your camera, use the daylight to your advantage. This means having a tripod, keeping your lens cap on, setting your ISO to 400 or above, and setting the shutter speed to a reasonable number, like 1/200 second or 1/500 second, depending on the subject. If you’re using your mobile phone, try taking photos outside in the early morning and late afternoon. These times of day give you the best light and you’ll have less of a chance of having too much glare.

The light is best for natural light photography between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm. During this time, there is no artificial lighting from the sky. This means that you will have a great view of the … Read the rest

What is High-Speed Sync and When should You Use it?

High Speed Sync

High-Speed Sync

High Speed Sync (HSS) is a feature available in many Canon DSLR cameras. High Speed Sync (HSS) is a digital photo-manipulation technology that produces high-quality photographs from a camera with lower-than-normal shutter speeds.

What does HSS do?

High-Speed Sync

The camera automatically switches from autofocus to manual focus during a series of shots. Once you have taken the last shot, you can choose whether to lock in the auto focus settings or return the lens to its original position. The camera takes one picture using autofocus, followed by a series of pictures using manual focus. The final autofocus and automatic exposure values are then used to produce a JPEG file that you can view, store or print out. The camera uses the same image data as an M mode or movie function.

How does HSS work?

High-Speed Sync

During the exposure of the first image, the camera automatically shifts to manual … Read the rest

Best Tips to Shoot High Key Photography

high key photography

What Is High Key Photography?

High Key Photography

High key is a photographic technique where the exposure is set to over expose the shadows. This creates an effect of light reflecting off the subject making them appear brighter and less shadowy. The lighting will be a bit more contrasty, but it will still look very natural.

High key photography is using natural light and avoiding artificial lighting such as flash. Natural light is generally more flattering to your subjects, as it gives a softer look. This style of photography is most commonly used in portrait photography.

What Is Low Key Photography?

Low key photography is a style of photography that aims to capture a moment in time, whether you are shooting landscapes, portraits, or street shots.

Many photographers use low key photography to create a more intimate portrait of their subject. They aim to create images that are not flashy or that … Read the rest

How to Take Great Pictures with a Light Meter

photography lights

In this blog post, we will discuss how to take great pictures with a light meter. There are many different ways to take good photos, but it’s important that you know the basics of photography before you start taking those professional shots! In order to create those beautiful photographs, you need a few basic things: a camera and a subject. But there is one more thing that can make or break your photo-taking experience: the right lighting. Light meters help photographers understand how much light they have in their environment so they can adjust accordingly and capture amazing shots!

light meter photography

1. What is a light meter and how does it work

A light meter is an invaluable tool for photographers. It measures the intensity of light in either foot candles or lux. The numbers are then converted to a scale that ranges from 0 to 18. This scale is measured by … Read the rest