How to Take Beautiful Butterfly Photography

butterfly photography

Butterfly Photography

The Best Nature Photographers in the World
What is your favorite type of photography? If you said nature, then this post will be right up your alley.
Nature Photography – Capturing the Beauty of Nature
Capturing the natural beauty of a scene is what nature photography seeks to do. To achieve this, nature

A few things to get started

First you need to find the right time and location to capture beautiful butterfly photos.

Butterfly Photography

The best time to photograph a butterfly is usually mid-afternoon. This is because the butterfly will be feeding on nectar from a flower and will be happy and relaxed. If you photograph it at this time the butterfly should be fluttering around freely and will often be still, posing nicely for your camera.

You can also photograph butterflies at dawn and dusk when they are resting in the shadows of their host plants. When the sun … Read the rest

How to Take Photos of Rainbows

rainbow photography

You can easily capture rainbows using your camera and there are two ways to do this. The first is to set the camera to its ‘Landscape’ setting. This lets you take a series of images while the shutter is open, then you can choose which ones you want from the sequence by pressing the button. Set the camera to an aperture of 8 or 10 and take as many pictures as you like. If you change the settings to ‘Portrait’ you can take individual shots, but there will be fewer.

rainbow photography

The second way is to use the ‘Auto’ option. This will select the right shutter speed for the light conditions you are working in and it will also ensure that you get the most out of the exposure time available. It does mean that you have to get up close to the subject and you may need to take several … Read the rest

30 Sunset Photography Tips for Beautiful Results

sunset photography

If you want to capture beautiful sunset images then it is important to learn some photography tips and techniques. These 11 tips will show you how to take stunning photos of sunsets.

Landscape Photography: The Ultimate Guide

Landscape photography is one of the most captivating and popular niches in today’s competitive world. It

Best Tips to Photograph the Moon and the Supermoon

Landscape Photography: The Ultimate Guide Landscape photography is one of the most captivating and

Take advantage of the natural light that evening.

Photographers often complain about the lack of light in twilight and early morning hours. But by waiting until the sun has set, you are able to capture some truly breathtaking pictures of the landscape around you.

This type of photo is very popular in nature photography and you can do it in your own home with ease. The first thing to do is to find a … Read the rest

Best Tips to Photograph the Moon and the Supermoon

moon photography

moon photography

Landscape Photography: The Ultimate Guide

Landscape photography is one of the most captivating and popular niches in today’s competitive world. It

Moon shots are popular in Japan because it seems that their culture is filled with magic and mystery. They like to take photos of the full moon in the hope that they will be able to use it to predict the future. For example, if there is a crescent shape, it means that there will be a child in your family. A full moon with an arc on one side will mean that there will be a divorce. If you shoot the moon from behind, it will make you feel sad.

To photograph the moon, place your camera on a tripod and set the shutter speed to 1/30 seconds or slower. This will allow you to take pictures without blurring. To create the crescent shape, use a telephoto lens. … Read the rest