What Is Lab Color Space and How to Use It

Lab Color Space

Lab color space is one of the three major color spaces used to describe color in the digital world. They are RGB, CMYK and Lab (see below). When you are using a color picker, you can choose a color in any of these three color spaces and each of these has its own benefits. Let’s look at them in more detail.

RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue. This is the most familiar color space. It is easy to understand, because it is used for computers and televisions and is the basis for all computer monitors. Each of these three colors can be individually changed and it is possible to create and control millions of colors by varying the intensity of each of these colors. RGB is a natural choice for printing, because the individual elements can be easily turned up or down to achieve specific results. However, … Read the rest

How to Use Photoshop Replace Color Tool

Photoshop Replace Color ToolReplace color tool:

A tool used to replace colors on images, it’s also called Color Replacement Tool. It is a great feature offered by Adobe Photoshop.

There are many reasons why you need this tool.

Firstly, you need it to remove the color that has been added to an image. This is useful to make sure your photo looks natural. Secondly, it is needed to remove unwanted backgrounds that may be part of the image. For example, a sky may have been added to a photograph. The tool will allow you to replace the background sky with a new sky. This is helpful if you need to remove unwanted backgrounds. Thirdly, you can use this tool to add a new color to an image. If you want to change the color of a photo, you can use the tool to replace the color of an object or the whole image.… Read the rest

What Is Color Saturation?

What is Color Saturation?

Color Saturation

Color saturation is how much a color differs from its lightest and darkest shades. It is the ‘strength’ of a color. If you think about the rainbow, red is the strongest, violet the weakest.

In the real world, there are different ways of describing color saturation. For instance, blue is said to have more color saturation than purple. In nature, green grass has more color saturation than a red poppy.

The color of something that is saturated is usually described as a single shade. For example, the sky, the sun, and the ocean are saturated shades of blue.

Think of color saturation in relation to the colors that you see in the world around you. Look at your room, at the sky outside, at the colors of the flowers and trees in the park, and then at the colors of the food in the supermarket. You’ll … Read the rest

How to Use Complementary Colors for Better Photography

You’ve probably heard of complementary colors. It’s a concept that’s really easy to understand, but can be quite difficult to implement in photography.

But when you do it right, you’ll see the results in your photographs.

In this article, I’m going to show you how to use the concept of complementary colors in photography.

What are complementary colors?

complementary colors photography

The basic colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. When they are combined in various ways they create a large variety of different colors. For example, adding yellow to red, purple or green makes them brighter. Adding blue to yellow or red makes them more intense.

Photographers use the term complementary colors when creating an image that is pleasing to the eye. It’s often said that the color wheel is divided into three types of complementary colors: opposite, triadic and tertiary colors.

Complementary colors are found together … Read the rest