How to Take Great Hiking Photography

Useful tips for hiking photography

-Use natural light whenever possible. If your subject does not require strong lighting, use a flash.

-For long exposures use a tripod to steady your camera.

-Be aware of where you are standing.

-If your camera has a viewfinder, always look through it first to check your settings.

-Make sure that your exposure is right.

-Make sure that you have your memory card in your camera.

-Keep your lenses clean and free from dust and dirt.

-When taking photos outdoors, always wear protective clothing such as a helmet, sunglasses, ear protection, gloves, knee pads, etc.

-Ensure that the temperature outside is comfortable and suitable for your activity.

-Take breaks. Take regular breaks from walking. If you are tired, take a short walk or drink some water.

-Have a map and compass. Knowing how to read one helps in emergencies.

-Try to stay within a group. You are less likely to become lost.

-Carry a whistle, first aid kit, flashlight, etc. to avoid possible emergencies.

-Always check your batteries before leaving for your destination.

Do take lots of pictures.

The key to taking great photos on a hike is to have a good understanding of how your camera works and what settings to use. Take your time in your settings, take at least one picture without your settings, set them as you would like them then try again. As long as you do this with each picture you will get better and better.

Keep an open mind.

Take your time to look at things, don’t rush through, you will notice so much more. Enjoy it and take photos of it. There is no need to try to create the perfect image, sometimes the most interesting photos are the ones with a bit of chaos and the unexpected.

Choosing a Camera for Hiking Photography

Hiking photography can be an enjoyable and rewarding hobby, but there is a huge learning curve and you need the right kit to capture the great outdoors in fine detail. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to mean spending a fortune. The key is to buy quality equipment that will stand the test of time and last you a lifetime. This guide will provide you with the most important points to consider when purchasing a hiking camera.

Go for a lightweight body

Lightweight hiking cameras are the best option if you want to enjoy the outdoor experience while travelling light. They are perfect for day hikes, but a little more bulky than their DSLR counterparts.

Go for a fixed focal length lens

A 35mm or 50mm fixed focal length lens is best for most hikers. This is because a wider angle lets you fit more in the frame and a longer focal length creates a background blur, making your subject look larger and the composition more appealing.

Get a tripod

Your hiking camera will be no use if you can’t attach it to something stable. Hikers use tripods for steady shots, but there are many other uses for one as well. You can use a tripod to attach your camera to a car window, a fence or even the branch of a tree, making it easier to shoot in all sorts of places.

Make sure the lens is sealed

In addition to the above, you’ll want to make sure that your lens is sealed. This will stop moisture from entering the camera and damaging the electronics inside.

Have spare batteries

A camera is useless if it has no power. Having a spare set of batteries will ensure that you’re never caught short.

Keep an eye out for accessories

You’ll be glad to know that hiking cameras come with lots of useful features such as a range of zoom settings and image quality options. But make sure that these are compatible with your camera. If the features don’t work, you’ll waste valuable time trying to figure out why.

Ask your retailer

You may not have much experience with hiking cameras, but you can ask the retailer you’ve chosen to recommend some hiking photography equipment that might work for you. In addition to knowing what to look for, you can also get ideas on how to spend less money.

Ideas for Hiking Photography

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