Ways to Add Creativity to Your Photos

Creativity and randomness are two things that can make your photos stand out from the crowd. Here are some tips to help you add these elements to your images.

Use a variety of perspectives

It’s easy to fall into the habit of taking photos from eye level, but there is a whole world of interesting views just waiting for you to discover them. Get down on the ground or climb up onto something high and shoot from there. You’ll be surprised how much more interesting your photos can be when you get a different perspective on things.

Randomize the Size of Your Images

One way to make sure that every image you create is different is by randomizing the size of your photos. You can do this manually by resizing your images in an editing program like Photoshop or GIMP, or you can automate the process using a program like ImageResizer.

The first method is good for creating unusual shapes and sizes, but it’s not always ideal for creating random images from scratch. The second method will work much faster but doesn’t give you as much control over what kind of image you’ll get.

Add Noise to Your Images

Another way to add variety to your photos is by adding noise to them. Noise is basically graininess or static that appears in digital media when pixels aren’t properly defined by color values. The more noise an image has, the less distinct its details become and the more abstract it becomes. This makes it easier for us humans to interpret abstract art because our brains have been trained to see patterns where there aren’t any!

Take a photo from an unusual angle.

Shooting from above or below is a great way to create a unique perspective on any subject — especially if there are people in the scene.

Change up your composition slightly each time you take a photo.

You can do this by changing your focal length (using a wider lens), moving closer or farther away from your subject, or altering the angle of your camera slightly when composing each shot. This will prevent photos from looking too similar and help keep them more interesting for viewers!

Try capturing pictures at night or in low light conditions.

For example, capture a picture of a city skyline at night when it is dark and cloudy outside. The resulting image will have interesting lighting effects compared to daytime photos because there are no direct sources of light in the image.

Change the framing.

Instead of centering your subject in the frame, try cropping it off-center.

Explore different viewpoints.

Try shooting from a low angle (from below) or high angle (from above) to change perspective.

Try getting down low to shoot from an unusual perspective; this can make your subjects look bigger than they really are (which is especially useful with wildlife shots). Or try shooting from up high — like on top of a rock or tree branch — so that you can see how small things are relative to their surroundings. You could also try putting yourself at eye level with an object or person; this will make them seem larger than life!

Use random objects as props

The key to using random objects is to make them look natural. If they look out of place, then no one will believe that they were placed there on purpose. You can find random objects in most places — even in your own backyard!

It’s important to keep it simple and not use too many props. The more elements you add, the harder it becomes for people to see what’s going on in your photo. Use props sparingly, but put an emphasis on finding ones that reflect some kind of meaning or story related to your subject matter.

Change the lighting.

Shoot in front of a window or at night with only moonlight for illumination. Use flash to create dramatic shadows and deep focus.

Experiment with color temperature.

Use white light (daylight) for cool effects and warm light (tungsten) for warm effects — but don’t forget about tungsten bulbs that can give you both!