Self Portrait Photography Mistakes You Shoud Avoid

What we do for a living is to help people see their own potential. The most common self portrait mistakes we have seen in our time as a business are:

– Not understanding the basics of camera settings and composition.

– Not having a ‘model pose’.

– Using a tripod too much.

– Taking photos while the subject is looking away.

– Forgetting to smile.

– Not using natural light.

– Taking photos in the wrong location.

Most of us would agree that our photos tell stories of who we are. We want them to show off a bit of our personality and a part of ourselves. We hope they will inspire others to like us, respect us and maybe even want to be like us.

However, most of us will admit to having made at least one or two common mistakes with our photos. We may have used bad … Read the rest

How to Use Photography Props for Great Portraits

portrait photography props

This post I will show you how to use photography props to create beautiful portraits.

Photography is a form of art, a form of creativity, and it can be used as therapy. Photography has been used as a form of therapy for many years by photographers and other artists. The camera can be used to express your innermost feelings and thoughts. By seeing things as we would see them through our eyes, we come to appreciate things more fully.

Photography is a great way of taking in and communicating the mood of the scene you are photographing. Many people feel that the camera has no soul. However, it is possible to use a variety of techniques to give your photos the appearance of being alive. This is achieved by using interesting props and techniques that add life and interest.

To create some great portraits, you need to be able to … Read the rest

Portrait vs Landscape – Which Should You Choose?

Many photographers believe that landscape photography is easier than portraiture. They often say that portraiture is more difficult because the subject is usually sitting in front of a background.

Portrait Photography vs Landscape Photography – Which Way to Go?

Portrait vs Landscape

A few years ago I was approached by a client asking me to photograph a family portrait. When she went to choose the photos online she found it was quite difficult to find a company that did portraits, especially when it came to kids! She asked me where we were located and said that she would bring her two young kids with her. I had my doubts as to whether we would get any decent results but it’s always good to have a challenge.

We were fortunate to find an empty room in one of the rooms in our studio and were able to set up the shoot. The family arrived … Read the rest

How to Use Window Light for Better Portrait Photography

If you use window light to take portraits you need to set up your camera to expose for the light. If you have a digital camera this means setting the camera to ‘expose for’ the light and not the subject. If you use film this means changing the aperture to let more light through the lens. You will have to experiment to find the best settings for your camera.

Window Light portraits

Use the window light to your advantage.

The sun is usually at its highest point between 9am and 3pm. Use this to your advantage by finding a time of day where the sun is high in the sky and then standing in the window of the room where you are taking the portrait.

If you have time to pose your subject, do so.

Posing can add drama to a picture and help create a mood. It can also help your subject … Read the rest