How to Use Window Light for Better Portrait Photography

If you use window light to take portraits you need to set up your camera to expose for the light. If you have a digital camera this means setting the camera to ‘expose for’ the light and not the subject. If you use film this means changing the aperture to let more light through the lens. You will have to experiment to find the best settings for your camera.

Window Light portraits

Use the window light to your advantage.

The sun is usually at its highest point between 9am and 3pm. Use this to your advantage by finding a time of day where the sun is high in the sky and then standing in the window of the room where you are taking the portrait.

If you have time to pose your subject, do so.

Posing can add drama to a picture and help create a mood. It can also help your subject … Read the rest

Best Tips to Create Fine Art Portrait Photography


Fine Art Portrait Photography

The Different Types of Portrait Photography
It’s no secret that portrait photography has become increasingly popular recently. But what are the different
Top Portrait Photographers: What Makes Them Different
What sets portrait photographers apart from other types of photographers? A portrait photographer is

Choose the right background.

When you set out for a photo shoot, think about the background, because your choice will influence the picture. Look for neutral backgrounds. If you want a specific type of scenery, you can buy a photograph of it from a specialist shop. However, it is usually better to spend a bit more on a background that suits your child and will enhance the final image.

Ask them to pose.

If you want a particular expression, ask your subjects to pose with one hand on their head or one leg extended behind them. Then, if you are taking a series of pictures of them, … Read the rest

Best Tips for Great Outdoor Photography

Landscape Photography

The great outdoors offers plenty of scope for photographers to get creative. It can be a challenge to find the best spot for a particular shot, and knowing where to go is the first step to achieving excellent results. Here we offer our suggestions on where to look for inspiration.

Outdoor Photography

How do you take good outdoor photos?

Find your favorite natural beauty spots

The places that inspire you are the ones that hold a special memory for you. These may be places that you went to as a child or somewhere you found when you were a young adult. They might be places you visited as an adult or in later years, and they could be any number of local spots, from countryside walks to city views.

Try using a tripod

Outdoor Photography

To take stunning shots it’s important to use a tripod whenever possible, especially when the sun is low in … Read the rest

Best Tips and Techniques for an Underwater Portrait Shoot

underwater portrait photography

Underwater photography is an incredibly fun hobby but, as is often the case, there are a few things that can get in the way. Here are a few useful tips to help you avoid these issues and enjoy your underwater experiences more.

Underwater Portrait Photography

Some tips for Underwater Portrait Shoot

1. Use a waterproof case or bag to keep your camera safe.

2. Practice. Practice, practice, practice. You’ll never learn anything if you don’t put yourself out there.

3. Take notes to learn after the shooting. You should take notes after you shoot, particularly in order to improve your photography skills later.

4. Try to minimize the impact of any bubbles and other objects in your shot by controlling your breathing and not moving as much.

Underwater Portrait Photography

5. Use a tripod. If you’re doing longer exposures, you will need a sturdy tripod to keep the camera steady. You should also use a neutral … Read the rest