24 Photography Tips to Improve Your Photos

Everybody has a photography story. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, photography is something that we all love to do and have fun with. But if you want your photos to be the best they can be, then there are some important photography tips that every photographer should know about. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 photography tips that will help improve your photos and make them look more professional!

Photography Tips


1) Find the right lens

Photography Tips

Different lenses create a variety of different effects on photography subjects. It’s important to take into consideration what type of photography you are doing before purchasing a lens specifically. Wide-angle lenses can distort close objects but yield more expansive landscapes than normal lenses. Telephoto lenses narrow the depth of field, giving you a close-up view of distant subjects, such as wildlife photography.

Narrowing your depth of field with a telephoto lens … Read the rest

The Complete Guide to Composition in Photography

composition photography ideas 4

Most photography enthusiasts don’t realize that photography composition is a major factor in the success of their photography. In this article we’re going to break down some of the most important components for great photography composition and how you can use them to improve your photography. Read on to learn more.

Negative Space

Negative space composition photography is a technique where the negative spaces between objects are emphasized in order to create artistic and dynamic compositions.

Negative space composition photography is used by photographers who seek to emphasize the beauty of emptiness, or make use of it as an element within their work. This kind of style was originally developed with challenges such as over-crowded scenes that were being photographed so they could be better edited afterwards for more aesthetic effect; however, nowadays this technique can be applied on any scene without editing required because there’s nothing left out anymore!… Read the rest