Amazing Tips for Taking Black and White Landscape Photography

If you shoot black and white landscapes, there are some things you should know. First, take your time – there’s no need to rush. Second, find interesting places to shoot and capture them in their best light. Third, shoot on the biggest sensor you can afford. Fourth, use a lens with a large maximum aperture such as a 50mm. Finally, use a tripod.

Black and White Landscape Photography

There’s nothing worse than rushing through a landscape shot. If you take your time and spend quality time in front of the camera you’ll be able to capture beautiful images.

The best place to find interesting locations is out and about. Look for places that are off the beaten track, away from roads and busy areas, where you can experience the landscape in peace. Take time to explore the countryside and enjoy the natural beauty around you.

Next, set your camera in Manual mode and shoot at a slower shutter speed, say around 1/30 sec. This will let in more light and create images that are less contrasty. Try different shutter speeds until you find one that you like. If you don’t want to play around with shutter speed, choose a big aperture, say f/2.8. This will mean the image will be sharp but the light will be soft. The wider the aperture, the softer the light. Choose the largest possible aperture you can afford (for example, f/2.8).

You can always stop down your aperture, but this means the image will be sharper. Using a lens with a smaller maximum aperture (for example, f/4.0) will produce a sharper image. However, it will also have a narrower depth of field.

Finally, shoot on a tripod and use a remote release. This way, you can be sure that the shot will not be spoiled by movement.

Other tips to help you master this technique.

Black and White Landscape Photography


It’s important to understand the difference between a black and white photograph and a color photograph. This is because, although the process for shooting a black and white landscape is similar to shooting a color landscape, there are some key differences in the two processes. A black and white photograph is shot using only three primary colors: blue, yellow and red. A color photograph, on the other hand, uses all six primary colors, which means you need to mix them together in different ways to get different hues.


A black and white photograph is more challenging to shoot than a color photograph. This is because you are restricted to only three colors and you have to balance these colors in a way that looks good.

For instance, you may use orange tones to create the illusion of green. The trick is to use the correct amount of each primary color, and balance them in such a way that they blend and look harmonious rather than jarring.


Black and white landscapes can be shot in a wide variety of locations. Some of the best places include: the Sahara, the Himalayas, the Rocky Mountains, the North Sea, and New Zealand.

Black and White Landscape Photography


A great place to start with shooting a black and white landscape is to use the local weather as inspiration. If it is raining heavily, you can use the water to add depth to the scene. If the light is strong, you can use that to add warmth to the image.


A black and white landscape photograph is best taken from a low viewpoint. This gives the viewer a sense of distance and perspective. From a high viewpoint the picture tends to be flat and lifeless. It can also be difficult to create the sense of distance that comes from a low viewpoint.


To help achieve the right perspective, take several shots. If you move your position slightly, you will often find a new angle that has a different impact on the viewer.


As far as composition goes, use elements of symmetry. For example, you can place the horizon line in the center, and use the horizon as your symmetry point.


You can shoot a black and white landscape photograph with your camera set on the “normal” setting. This will enable you to get the best possible exposure, as well as give you the best color balance.


Once you have taken a few shots, try changing the exposure settings to see how that affects your photos. This will enable you to get the perfect exposure. It’s also a good idea to use an external flash to help control the exposure.