What is Selective Focus and How to Use it for Better Photography

If you’re a photographer, you know that having a good camera lens can make all the difference. Just like any other piece of equipment, however, lenses don’t come cheap, and even if you do have one, you may still want to add some special effects to your pictures. One way to do this is by using selective focus in photography.

What Is Selective Focus?

Selective focus refers to an effect that gives your subject a clear focal point while everything else looks blurry around it. It makes it seem as though there is only one thing in your picture that matters. This effect can be achieved through either shallow depth of field or hyperfocal distance (HFD). Both of these methods will help you achieve the same desired result: taking away the distractions from your photos so that they are not distracted by anything other than what matters most—your subject!

Selective focus is a visual technique that uses shallow depth of field to prioritize one part of the image over another. It’s often used to draw attention to a particular object or person, but it can also be used to create a sense of mystery or intrigue in a photograph.

The effect is created by using a large aperture (small f/stop number) and focusing on your subject, but letting other parts of the scene become blurry. This is typically done by pointing your lens toward the background instead of your subject, so that the foreground element is sharp while everything else becomes blurry.

Selective focus can make an image more dynamic because it draws attention to what’s important in the shot and gives viewers something interesting to look at.

How to Achieve Selective Focus in Your Photography

Selective focus is a photographic technique used to draw attention to a specific part of an image. The effect can be achieved by using a shallow depth of field, where only the subject is in focus, or by blurring everything else around it.

A shallow depth of field is achieved when you use a narrow aperture (high f-stop number) on your camera lens. A wide aperture will produce an image where everything appears sharp and clear, while a narrow aperture will produce images with a larger area that is in focus and a smaller area that isn’t in focus. For example, the image below was taken at f/11:

Selective focus can also be achieved by blurring the background around your subject. This can be done by moving your camera away from your subject while taking the shot (thereby making them larger in relation to their surroundings), or by using a telephoto lens that magnifies objects from further away than normal lenses do.

How to Use Selective Focus for Great Photos

Selective focus is a photography technique that blurs the background of a photo, making it easy to see the subject. It’s one of the most popular techniques for portrait photography.

The key to selective focus is getting close to your subject and framing the shot so that everything but your subject is blurry. Then you need to choose a lens with an aperture of f/2 or more for best results.

To get started, find a good background for your subject — something that works with the light and complements your subject. For example, if you have an animal that loves water, try shooting in front of a waterfall or stream with lots of rocks around it.

Next, get close enough to fill up most of the frame with your subject (you don’t want any room on either side). Then slowly zoom in until their face fills up most of the frame — usually between 70% and 80%. Finally, take several test shots using different settings until you find one that works well for you.

Choose a focal point.

The first step is to determine which part of your subject needs to be in focus (or blurred) and which parts should fall out of focus. This depends on what’s important about your subject and how much depth of field you want. You might want everything in front of or behind your subject sharp or blurry, so that they stand out better against the background. Or maybe you want only one portion of your subject sharp while another part falls into the background while still being recognizable as part of the image overall — like having just their face or hands clearly visible while everything else is blurry.

Use a wide aperture lens.

A wide aperture lens is any lens with an f-stop number lower than f/2 (e.g., f/2.8).

The easiest way to get selective focus is through the use of a wide aperture lens (small f-stop number). When you take a photo using an aperture with a small number, the camera will automatically choose which parts of your image should be in focus and which should fall out of focus. You can also choose which parts should be sharp or blurred. For example, if you want everything except the person’s eyes to be in focus, then you would use an aperture with a small number (high f-stop) so that only their eyes would be blurred.

Pick your subject carefully.

If you’re looking to blur out everything except for one thing, make sure you’re focusing on that thing. Otherwise, it may be difficult or impossible to get what you want in focus.