Rule of Thirds: Photographic Composition Guidelines

Photographs are timeless moments etched in time, and as such they should be framed with the utmost care. Successful photographs often use a technique called “The Rule of Thirds” to ensure that each moment is given equal weighting on both horizontal & vertical axes. The idea behind this rule goes back to Western painting origins where painters divided their canvases into thirds from top-to-bottom and left-to right; placing one subject at any point along these lines would create an aesthetically pleasing composition for viewers who were drawn by your masterpiece! In our article today we will explore how you can apply this simple concept – using guidelines like alignment, balance & proportionality – when taking photos not only so you know what beautiful shots look like

 Rule of thirds is explained

The rule of thirds is a guideline for artists who want to lead their viewers’ eyes around the frame. … Read the rest