How to Photograph Meteor Showers

Meteor Showers

Meteor showers

The best place to photograph meteor showers is on the beach in a sheltered location. The sand will act as a natural light diffuser. To help you capture the best shots, try this:

1. Look for cloudless skies in the morning and early evening.

2. If possible, visit a place where there is no street lighting.

3. Find a quiet place away from people. You can try photographing in woodland, alongside a canal or beside a field. Try to find a place that doesn’t have trees overhead.

4. Find a spot where the horizon is level. This will ensure your photos will look straight and that the sky will appear the same size in each shot.

5. Remember to keep the shutter open for the full duration of the display.

6. Set the ISO to as low as possible to reduce noise. Choose a lower ISO if the … Read the rest

Best Guide, Tips and Examples for Taking Star Photography


Star photography is a unique photographic technique, which can be enjoyed by any keen amateur photographer. The technique is similar to landscape photography, but the subject is often a meteor, which is an atmospheric object that travels through our atmosphere.

Star Photography

A meteor shower occurs when small pieces of a comet collide with our atmosphere and vaporise into fragments of ice and rock particles. These tiny meteors streak across our sky and are visible for several minutes. A single meteor might burn up entirely, creating a flash of light, or it may disintegrate before reaching the Earth’s surface.

The earth’s rotation around the sun means that the meteors appear from the opposite direction in the sky every day, as the Earth moves through space. Meteors travel at speeds between 50km per second and 60km per second. At these speeds the meteor trails become blurred and difficult to photograph. However, the trails … Read the rest

How to Find the Milky Way in the Night Sky


How to Find the Milky Way

Night Sky Photography: A Guide to Taking “Stunning” Photographs of the Night Skies
The night sky is a fascinating and mysterious place. Sometimes, you need to stare into the night sky for long

The Milky Way

The Milky Way is a vast system of thousands of galaxies stretching out from our own into deep space. These galaxies are often seen in silhouette, against the star-studded sky, as a vast band of light. It is named after the Milk River in ancient Egypt, which was called ‘the river of stars’ by ancient astronomers. The name ‘Milky Way’ is from a fanciful theory of the ancient Greek astronomer, Aristarchus, that the Milky Way was made up of innumerable little stars (which he believed were actually planets) held together by their mutual gravitational attraction.

How to Find the Milky Way

It was not until later that the Milky Way was recognized as a continuous system of galaxies rather than … Read the rest

Night Sky Photography: A Guide to Taking “Stunning” Photographs of the Night Skies

The night sky is a fascinating and mysterious place. Sometimes, you need to stare into the night sky for long periods of time before something beautiful happens. Other times, it’s just there waiting for you to capture it with your camera. Whether you are looking for inspiration or want to take some stunning photographs of night skies yourself, this guide will help get you started!

night sky photography

What is night sky photography?

Night-sky photography is the new big thing, and people are taking their cameras into dark corners of forests or out to sea. The internet – mainly Instagram – has some beautiful images for you to take in with your morning cup of coffee, like star fields stretching across a sky littered by thousands upon thousand stars glittering brightly against its black canvas background.

What night sky photography is not, however, are the distant stars that can be seen with a … Read the rest