How to Take Amazing Newborn Twin Photos

Newborn Twin Photography

What are the best tips for photographing newborn twin?

Here’s our advice:

• Look happy. It is a great idea to smile, as you never know who will be looking at your photo. It’s also important to look into the lens, as this gives you a better view of your face.

• When holding your babies, don’t let the camera get in the way of your babies. Instead, hold them gently but firmly in front of you.

• Try to position the twins facing each other. This can add a little drama and make a beautiful photo.

• A good place to take photographs of the twins is in a quiet room. Try to avoid a bright background, which will make it harder to see detail.

• Make sure you are able to see yourself, as you don’t want to forget your hair or something similar.

• Try to take some photos indoors. The best lighting will usually be natural sunlight coming through a window. It’s important to use natural light as artificial lights can be too harsh and can distort the images.

• Get a few different shots of your children; the main thing is to get one that is true to them. If you aren’t happy with the first ones, you can change settings on the camera. Alternatively, you can wait a day or two and get another shot, which will hopefully be more ‘in focus’.

• A good place to take pictures of twins is in a room with white walls, a plain bed and plenty of space. Try to ensure that the floor is flat, with no large furniture or toys. You don’t need to spend a fortune on props, as the simplest ones will do.

• If you are planning to have more than one set of twins, try to get the same poses for each. It’s best to arrange the same props, so you can take them out again for the second photograph.

• If you are taking more than one photograph, it’s a good idea to keep a record of the poses used.

• Keep the babies safe. Don’t stand in the sun too long, as they will get sunburnt.

• Make sure that you keep the twins in sight throughout. You don’t want to lose track of one.

• Make sure that you keep the babies clean. They can get a bit messy during playtime.

• Don’t let the babies cry. This can make it hard for you to take the perfect photographs.

• You might need a few more hours to complete the job. Be patient, as it is likely to be a fun experience.