How to Understand the Basics of Color

What are Colors?

Colors are one of the five basic elements of life; they form the basis of all things and everything is born of them.

We live in a world of shades. The colors we see are combinations of the three main colors: blue, yellow and red. We can think of the world as being made up of these primary colors, which in turn combine to form all other colors. The three primary colors can also be combined to create the four secondary colors – orange, purple, green and brown. There are also the seven tertiary colors – white, black, gray, tan, olive, aqua and gold.

The quality of the color is determined by the balance between the three primary colors.

In nature, each color has its own special properties.

Blue is associated with air, water, the sky, spirituality, calmness, and clarity.

Yellow is the color of sunshine, warmth, light, happiness, hope, happiness, and fertility.

Red is the color of passion, energy, love, courage, creativity, danger, and excitement.

Combining the three primary colors creates the secondary colors and combining the two secondary colors creates the tertiary colors. For example, blue + yellow = orange; blue + red = violet.

Each of the seven tertiary colors is a combination of the two secondary colors, and each of the seven secondary colors is a combination of the three primary colors.

A color wheel shows the relationship between the various colors. A color wheel can also be used to determine the mood of a room or outfit. For example, dark colors such as burgundy and deep purple give a feeling of mystery and romance.

The color red is always linked to fire and aggression, but it also symbolizes the blood that flows in our veins.

The color orange is closely linked to the sun, and therefore to heat, energy and light. Orange can also stimulate appetite and alertness.

Green can be associated with health, fertility, growth, prosperity and wealth. Green can also be the color of nature and forests.

White can be associated with purity, cleanliness, innocence, peace, honesty, honesty and loyalty.

Black can be linked with power, strength, courage, evil, wisdom, justice, mourning and death.

Brown can be linked with earth, nature, the seasons, fertility, strength, stability, maturity and protection.

Gold can be associated with royalty, honor, beauty, wealth, luxury and success.

Purple can be linked with the heart, spirituality, royalty, power and nobility.

Tan can be linked with the earth, growth, nature, maturity and strength.

Olive is the color of autumn, harvest, the leaves, wisdom, patience, calmness, compassion, and gentleness.

Aqua can be linked with water, oceans, freshness, cleansing, harmony, abundance, happiness, love and faithfulness.

How to use colors in photography?

To me it is important to use colors which go well together. In a photo it is good to use complementary colors which will create balance in the picture. These are colors that go well together.

Here are some examples:

  • Yellow and orange;
  • Orange and red;
  • Blue and green;
  • Green and violet;
  • Red and orange;
  • Red and yellow;
  • Yellow and purple;
  • Pink and red;
  • Purple and blue.

There are other ways of using colors but these are the best. If you mix colors in a photo, try to use these colors as much as possible.