20 Tips for Better Forest Photography

When we think about forests, it’s probably best to imagine them from afar. The trees and plants can’t be seen very well. Instead, they become a background to the landscape and only appear as small dots or shapes. But if you were to stand in the middle of the forest and look around you, you might find that there are many other sights to see: animals, birds, insects and even a landscape of great beauty. When taking a photograph of the forest, you need to see the whole picture, not just the trees. You need to make sure that your composition is good and the image is balanced. When looking at the photo, your eyes should be able to see the trees from both close up and far away. For this reason, you may need to experiment with your camera settings to find the right balance between showing detail and making sure that the sky is not too bright or the foreground too dark.

Forest Photography

A few things to get started

Forest Photography

1. Always bring a tripod with you and take it with you everywhere. Even if you do not need to take photos from a tripod, it is always helpful to have it with you. This way you can do some preliminary checks with your camera and even practice some techniques such as panoramic photography. You can also easily use it to stabilize your camera when shooting videos or doing timelapse photography.

2. Take your camera with you when you are traveling. It does not take much time to download all your photos from a trip to a memory card, but it will save you a lot of time in the future. When you get home, you will not be able to tell where the pictures were taken in the forest, and that makes them harder to remember. With a memory card, you do not have this problem.

3. When taking photos in the forest, make sure that you bring a bag. This will protect your equipment from being damaged by animals, the wind or water. It is also useful for carrying your water bottle or other supplies. Also, a bag is useful for carrying your tripod or camera.

Forest Photography

4. Make sure that you use the flash at night when shooting. Even if you are shooting photos in the forest, you should try to use the flash because it will help you capture the beauty of the night-time scenery. You can also use it to light your subject and make them more visible.

5. Make sure that your camera has a good zoom. This way you can choose your subject with more precision. You can also change the angle at which you shoot your subjects. The more zoom you have, the more precise your pictures will be. If your camera does not have a good zoom, then you should buy one.

Forest Photography

6. Bring a remote shutter release. This is a small device that you can attach to your camera. When you press this button, the shutter will automatically open and close. This is useful because you do not need to remember to release the shutter. It will also help you get better pictures. In general, a camera without a remote shutter release will take photos even if you are not watching it carefully.

7. Never leave your camera unattended. If you are taking photos of a waterfall or a sunset, there is always the risk of it getting damaged or wet. Make sure that you have some protection in the form of a rain cover or a pouch for your camera when you are shooting in the rain or in water.

Forest Photography

8. Do not use a flash during the day. This way you will get more natural light in your photos. If you use a flash during the day, it will give your photos unnatural looking colors.

9. Choose an aperture with good depth of field. If you have chosen a small aperture, the background of your photo will be blurred and not visible. On the other hand, if you have chosen a large aperture, the subject will be too small in the frame.

10. Do not use a tripod when you are taking photos from a moving vehicle. The movements of your car will make your picture appear blurry. You should instead use a mount that is attached to your windshield and can hold the camera steady.

Forest Photography

11. Shoot at a high ISO. When you take photos with a low ISO, the colors of your photos will be unnatural. They will also look noisy. This way you will get more detail in your photos. A higher ISO means that you will get sharper photos with more detail. You can also use a tripod for some shots.

12. Use a polarizing filter for the sun. It helps reduce reflections in water and snow. If you are shooting from a moving vehicle, you can use a polarizing filter to avoid reflections.

13. Choose a lens with a larger focal length. This way you will get more detail in the photos. If you have a telephoto lens, you will have to zoom in to get a better image.

Forest Photography

14. If you have a macro lens, it is useful for photographing bugs or flowers. It can also be useful for capturing your cat or dog in action. You can also use a macro lens for taking photos of small details.

16. Start with the light. If you are photographing in the early morning or late evening, you may need to use a slow shutter speed to ensure that the trees stay still. You can increase the movement of your camera by using a higher ISO setting.

17. Make sure you know where the light is coming from. Look for shadows that are cast by the trees, but also try to see the sun itself. In the summer months, the sun may be high in the sky. In the winter months, it will be low in the sky, so you may need to wait until spring and autumn to take good photographs.

Forest Photography

18. Use a tripod or monopod (a single stick or pole). This will stop your camera shaking as it is set up and you will be able to take more sharp pictures.

19. Use a macro lens to take close-up photos of plants and insects. The closer you are to them, the sharper your image will be.

20. Don’t forget to look at the photo you have taken! You will then notice things like the shadows on the ground, which can show how the light is falling on the forest.

Forest Photography

21. You may also want to change the contrast in your photo, so that it looks more interesting. Try adding a new layer to your photograph and change the brightness, color or contrast of this layer until it looks more appealing.

Start off with some research.

Check out forums and other websites on your subject of interest, then read up on the different aspects of photography – what type of camera is best, how to use it, how to take the perfect shot. Ask questions of people who are more experienced than you – they can give you good advice and you can learn something from them. Check out books on the subject to find out more about your photographic interests and learn about other subjects too. This will not only help you gain knowledge but also develop your ability to think creatively.

Think about the location you want to shoot.

If you are planning a location shoot, consider the weather conditions, any wildlife you may want to photograph, how far you are prepared to travel to get there, if you are going to hire a car or take public transport. You can use a map to plan where you should go and then search online for places to visit that match your criteria. If you are looking for a more remote location, consider what you need to do to prepare it for you, such as setting up tripods or camera equipment.

Think about the lighting.

What type of light will you be using? Is it daytime or evening? What type of light will you be using? If it is day time, will you be using natural light or will you have to set up artificial lights? How will you achieve your desired results with your chosen settings? Consider the direction of the sun so you know when you will need to adjust your settings and whether you need to cover your lenses in a softbox.

Make sure you are ready.

Forest Photography

It is always best to be prepared. Don’t rely on being able to make changes to a scene if you find yourself without enough time. Also, if you are planning a long trip, it is wise to take warm clothes, food and water.

Take time to learn.

Photography is a very technical subject and it takes time to learn. As you gain more experience, you will be able to learn more about your camera, the different lenses available, how to use different settings and what to do when things go wrong. There are lots of books on the market that you can buy for less than £5 to learn about all of the above.

Be careful of other photographers.

When you are out photographing, it is easy to become distracted by others. Remember, you are there to capture a moment and don’t feel the need to compete with other photographers. If you see something amazing and want to capture it, try to be discreet so you don’t get in their way or cause them to miss their shot. If you see another photographer is having trouble, check they are happy and if not, ask if they would like some help.

Get feedback.

If you are taking pictures of people, have a friend or family member to check over your photos. If you are shooting landscapes, take a few shots yourself and then ask a friend to look at them and give you their opinion on what you are doing well and what you could do better. Be honest and tell them what you want to change and why, but don’t be afraid to be critical if you think something should be done differently.

Look at the big picture.

Forest Photography

Don’t forget to capture the wider landscape and the bigger picture. Don’t just photograph the trees – include the sky, the clouds, the sun, the distance you are photographing from, the people, animals and other things in the scene. If there are interesting features that you want to photograph, such as a waterfall, try using a long lens. You can use a tripod and set your settings to use the longest focal length possible.

Be patient.

You will get it right eventually!

Photography is not always about getting the perfect shot. It’s also about capturing something that gives you joy. Take a photo of the sky, the flowers, the mountains, the birds, whatever takes your fancy. You don’t need to photograph everything perfectly to enjoy your photography. If you look for the beautiful, the unusual and the interesting, your photos will be more enjoyable. Also, when taking a photo, don’t worry about the time it takes you to capture the perfect shot. If you take a quick shot and then think about it later, you may find yourself having to change it.

Don’t compare yourself.

If you want to improve your photography skills, you are not going to do this by comparing yourself to other people or trying to outdo others. Instead, try to learn from others and take what you like and apply it to your own work. Don’t be afraid to take on a project that other photographers have given up on.

Be prepared.

Always make sure you know what you are going to be shooting before you go. Make sure you take plenty of warm clothes for both the weather and for any indoor or outdoor events that may occur. You should also consider taking a small digital camera with you in case of emergency or if you spot something that catches your eye that you want to photograph.


In conclusion, there are many ways to start photographing forests. But if you want to make a living out of it, it’s going to take some effort.

You’ll need to know the best times of day and days of the week to shoot in order to maximize your potential income. You’ll also need to master the art of post-processing so you can improve your images.

I’m not saying it’s easy, but I think it’s doable. You just have to be persistent and committed to getting better.