Choosing The Right Size for Instagram Profile Pictures

With over 500 million monthly active users, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks. In order to stand out in a sea of profile pictures, you’ll want to make sure that your picture stands out and gets noticed by other people on the site. A good way to do this is by choosing the right size for Instagram profile pictures!

The Best Instagram Profile Picture Size

instagram profile picture size

The perfect Instagram profile picture size is 110 x 110 pixels with an aspect ratio of 1:1. This tiny square will display at the ideal resolution for your followers to see your content, but it’s recommended that you upload higher-res pictures so they can be seen in all their glory!

Uploading a high-quality profile picture is crucial if you want to enjoy the best of Instagram.

A low resolution on your web browser won’t do, so we recommend uploading an 180 x … Read the rest