Candid Photography: Tips for Taking the Perfect Photo

Candid photography is a style of photography that captures unscripted moments in a candid way. Candid photos are different from posed ones because they show the real emotions and reactions of subjects to events. In this blog post, we will cover what candid photography is and some tips for taking perfect candid photos!

Understanding the Types of Photography

Photography can be a fun and exciting hobby to take up, but it is also an art form that has many types. There

What is Candid Photography?

candid photography

A candid photo is a type of photo that captures whatever is happening at the moment. It captures the emotions and reactions of subjects to events in an unscripted way.

The Right Gear Is Key to a Successful Beginning

The first tip for taking perfect candid photographs is to make sure you have the right gear. You need a camera that is quick and reliable. You’ll also want to make sure your lenses, lighting, and filters are up to date for best quality photos.

– While professional photographers will tell you they can produce fantastic results with any type of equipment; beginners may find something more suitable better suited to their needs such as compact cameras (also called Point & Shoot), Bridge Cameras (mid range between Point & Shoots and DSLRs), or Digital SLR Cameras.

– Before you even think about the camera, it’s important to consider your lenses carefully. Even if you have a high quality camera, if your lens isn’t up to par then all of that great technology is wasted on poor image quality! Ensure that any lenses are in good shape with no scratches or damage

– Lighting can also make an impact so be sure to take this into consideration when choosing cameras as well because different lighting types will require specific features. For example; If you’re photographing sports events at night then you’ll need something fast like large aperture (f/stop) rating such as f/0.95 which allows for better low light performance than other professional digital SLR cameras.

– Filters are another important consideration because they can make a huge difference in the quality of your photos and it’s an adjustable feature that you should consider before purchasing a camera or lens so you won’t have to spend more money on additional equipment down the road. Neutral Density filters block out light without altering its color, allowing for slower shutter speeds during bright conditions such as beach scenes where water motion is desired but too fast at normal speed causing blurriness which could ruin a photo. Circular Polarizing filters reduce glare from non metallic surfaces such as glass or overcast skies depending upon orientation to incoming light waves; these types of lenses vary by price point typically ranging between $100 – 500 with professional digital SLR units costing approximately $500 – $1000.

– Once you have the right gear, it’s time to start taking photos of your own! Be sure to keep an eye out for candid moments happening around you and try experimenting with different camera angles or zooming in close on specific details of your subject rather than photographing everything at once. Remember that practice makes perfect so just like anything else; experiment as much as possible until you find something that works well for you then go from there!

It is critical to have good observational skills.

candid photo

Observational skills are important for photographers. It’s easy to see the importance of this skill when photographing people. You can’t just take a picture of someone without paying attention to what they’re doing or how they look. For example, if you’re photographing someone who’s laughing, you probably want to show that in the photo. If you don’t, then it will seem like their whole day was awful and that you saw them at their worst moment ever!

It can be hard to get candid shots of people because it often seems like they know they’re being photographed. This means that they act differently than normal, which makes for bad pictures. To get around this problem, try getting up close and personal with your subject. Often, people will forget about you when you’re very close to them and photographing from a low angle. If this doesn’t work, then try going somewhere that your subject can’t see you!

Keep that camera handy at all times.

-Keep your camera close at all times. Although you might feel like taking candid photos of someone is an invasion of their privacy, keep in mind that they’re likely to be unaware that you’re doing it. And if they do notice, all that means is that they’ll get the chance to pose for you.

-If you happen to catch someone off guard or in a moment of vulnerability (maybe someone’s crying), take your camera out and snap away! This doesn’t make it an invasion because they were already feeling like their privacy was violated.

-If you want to take candid photographs around groups of people who are laughing or smiling, make sure to stay near them but not too close. Getting too close can jeopardize your candid shots since people will start noticing you.

-Make sure your camera is the only thing that’s visible in your photo. By doing this, it’ll be clear to other viewers that they’re not being watched or observed by you while taking their photos, but rather with a lens through which they can’t see out of. The last thing you want them thinking is “I wonder what she/he thinks about me now” when looking at the photo later on down the road!

If all else fails and you can’t get a good candid photo, ask for permission.

Preferred Camera Settings

To take candid photos, you will need to adjust your camera settings. Find the position on your camera where you can adjust the timer so that it counts down from 2-3 seconds. This will ensure that the photo has enough time to be taken and not delayed by a shutter click sound. Always set your camera to shoot in bursts of 3 or 5 photos at a time, just in case one of them is blurry or doesn’t come out well.

Alternatively, if you’re taking a self-portrait, use the timer option and set it for 10 seconds to give yourself enough time for adjusting your pose and expression before snapping the photo. Be sure also to make sure your subject is well lit. Having one person in the photo is usually easier than trying to take a group shot where everyone looks good and has enough light on them.

Don’t Use Zoom!

The next tip on how to take good candid photography shots is to avoid zooming in with telephoto lenses if at all possible – unless absolutely necessary or when photographing people who are really far away from you. This will prevent disruption as well since subjects have less chance of noticing someone several hundred feet away aiming their camera right at them during crucial moments. Besides being intrusive, shooting too close for comfort might also result in images that aren’t very flattering due to the distorted angles it creates.

Crouch Low to Shoot Up

Sometimes shooting up at someone can be a really good option for candid photography, especially when the background is interesting enough that you don’t have to worry about what’s behind your subject or where they are in relation to their surroundings. When crouching down low and aiming high, make sure not to shoot straight into any bright light sources because this will create lens flare which looks extremely unattractive in photos. If necessary, wait until there isn’t an object directly between you and your subjects so problems like these won’t ruin your image quality. Don’t Move Too Quickly!

One of the most difficult things people often struggle with when it comes time take great candid shots is not moving too quickly. It is best to take your time and aim for perfect timing when it comes to capturing the best possible photo that doesn’t look contrived or staged in any way, especially if you’re photographing adults who are not used to having their photos taken by strangers on a regular basis.

To capture every moment, shoot in burst mode.

Candid photography is a special type of photography where you can capture moments and not pose for photos. Candid photography involves the photographer capturing the moment without the subject realizing. This means that subjects will not stop and “pose” or break their natural behavior while you take a photo, making candid images feel more natural. It is important for this technique to work properly that your subject does not realize they are being photographed.

Avoid Using Flash as Much as Possible

Flash is not ideal for capturing candid moments because it can be distracting and ruin the moment that you are trying so hard to capture. It is best to use natural light when taking candid photos, but if this isn’t possible than try using your camera flash in “forced on” mode rather than automatic or “auto fill-in” modes since these settings tend to produce harsher lighting conditions.

Wherever you are, never use a flash. They can seem like a good idea at first because they help to illuminate your subjects and bring out the details in the shadows of their faces. The problem is, it can give away your presence and disrupt whatever natural interactions might be taking place. If you do need to take a picture with a flash make sure you turn the flash off as soon as possible and don’t use it again until you move on to capture another candid moment.

It’s also important to know what type of camera and lens you’re using and how close you’re going to be shooting your subjects before deciding whether or not to use a flash. If you’re shooting with an SLR camera that doesn’t have a built-in flash, you’re going to need an external one. If this is the case, make sure that it’s off before taking your first shot because ruining all of your photos by using a disruptive flash can be rather frustrating and time consuming.

Always be prepared.

You never know when a moment is going to happen that will make for an amazing candid photo opportunity; it may come and go very quickly! Make sure your camera is ready at all times by keeping it on “burst mode” which allows continuous shooting (taking photos one after another) rather than taking just one shot per shutter press like standard modes do. This way, no great candid moments escape your lens because you weren’t quick enough with the trigger! Candid shots usually require some luck as well as skill, so try to strike a balance between both so you can capture the perfect photo.

To enhance your composition, move around your subjects.


It is important to remember that when taking candid photos, you will need to move around your subject in order to get a different perspective and a better composition. Standing in the same spot for a photo can make it grow stagnant, but moving around can help give the photo a lot more life!

When taking candid photos of people, it is best to move around them instead of moving your camera. Having a person stand in one place while you try to snap images quickly will make the photo look really flat and boring even if they are smiling or looking cool!

Try standing behind someone who is sitting down with their back facing towards you for an interesting composition. If possible, include something that gives context about where this person may be at that moment like what kind of chair he or she is sitting on or maybe some food items nearby.

By simply staying still when taking candid shots, there isn’t much variation between each image which can cause boredom among viewers! Make sure not to forget these tips as well as how important movement actually is.

With a prime lens, you can be more discreet.

A prime lens is a single focal length lens. The focal length defines the field of view and focal range. A prime lens is also more discreet than a zoom lens, for example, and it does not stand out as much as a professional camera (although this varies by country).

Focus on People, Not Objects

When you are taking a candid photo of people at an event, such as your friend’s wedding or engagement party, it is important to focus more on the person than what they are holding. Many photographers will cut off hands and arms in their images because they were not focused enough when taking them. Also, try to get out from behind the lens so that it does not appear so obvious that someone else took the photos .

Don’t Overthink Candid Photos

It can be easy for new photographers to over think everything while trying to take pictures of friends or family members at events – this comes with experience though! Instead just relax while framing your shots and do not feel pressured into getting every single shot. Candid photography should be fun!

While the tips listed here are for shooting candid photos, they can also apply to other types of photography as well. For example, you could practice these techniques when taking landscape or wildlife images .


If you want to take the perfect candid photo, there are a few tips that can help. One of these is framing your subject in an appealing way; make sure they’re looking in the camera or at something interesting. Another tip is to use natural light whenever possible instead of artificial lights like lamps and flashlights since it will give photos more depth and texture. We hope this article has helped answer any questions you might have about how to take great candid photography!